Tag Archives for " daytrading the emini "

The Trading Psychology of Low Price Areas

Be Watchful That You Don't Fall Into The Trap of . . . 

 Emotional Expectations !!

Expecting Still Lower Prices? . . .

Uh, Oh . . .

Prices Rebound From Lows. It's Their 'Normal' Behavior

Why Do You Think That A Market Is Declining? 

Was it something you Read? Something you Heard?

Was it from other people's opinions or conclusions, and not your own?

Or, is it because you've determined this trend from your own investigations and trading tools?

Do You Think A Market Is Going Down Just Because It's Low?

Well, the mathematics of prices dictate that you better think again!

All Market up trends come from Lows not Highs!

The Logic is irrefutable. Markets go sideways in price action around 85% of the time and, trend around 15% of the time.

Half of that 15% trending will be a downwards trend according to the laws of Balance and Probability. The other half will be up trends.

That means that if anyone is expecting a declining market just because prices are Low is betting on a future result with only a 7.5% probability of Happening!

Or, to put it more bluntly, they'd be facing around 93% odds of losing!

Got Your Attention Now, Do We?

You've just seen the mathematical Truth. Why in the World, then, do almost all traders expect lower prices from already low prices?

The above charts illustrate this most common of price formations. Lows are made which seem to be going even lower, however, that's never the way to bet.

It takes some very special indicators, (like our course provide), to distinguish a continuing trend from markets about to make another bottom.

Our minds play heavily into our trend assessments as well.

It's purely psychological pre-programming plus a little of our natural instinct to project a linear result going forward from our recent experiences.

Translation? We expect what we've seen in the recent past to continue on wards into the future.

While such instincts in the Natural World help us to survive, these instincts in the Market World work against us almost all the time.

Are you able to distinguish a trend that's continuing from an upcoming turn in trend?

Do you want to be able to?

If you're truly ready to KNOW instead of Guess and would like a Catalog of the private techniques that can bring you to that state of Awareness, e-mail me HERE. - George 


* This is a Private Member's website, not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this web page under the menu tab. Thank you.

A Truly ‘Golden’ Week

One Week's Gold Profit Potential Was . . . 

 $15,300.00 !!

Friday . . . $4,000 USD.

Thursday . . . $3,900 USD.

Wednesday . . . $1,800 USD.

Tuesday . . . $1,200 USD.

Monday . . . $1,800 USD.

Friday . . . $2,600 USD.

Total for the Series? . . . $15,300 USD.

Sometimes one just has to step back to see the potential of a Market.

The Gold Market is no exception to this rule.

There were over $15K in potential profit opportunities offered as measured by our proprietary trading method known as the 'Intra-day Solar Trader' Technique

There also comes a time when it seems a waste of time to keep giving these chart examples showing what can be done. 

I've given more than ample proof here on this website over many years now.

Only ACTION in a positive direction separates the Winners from the Losers in this Life.

The ability to be alerted to even one of these trades would have provided a good return for the week relative to what most traders are struggling to achieve.

George's NOTE: As I'm being invited to go back into managing a private trading fund again, I can't say just how long I'll continue to be able to offer support for any of these courses through the Academy. As a result of this . . .

All Course Offers Could Possibly Cease in the Coming Few Months.

So, take advantage of the time my friends. It's time to make a decision that can offer you the chance to change your financial for the better. If you're truly ready to act instead of observe and would like a Catalog, e-mail me HERE. - George 


* This is a Private Member's website, not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this web page under the menu tab. Thank you.

This Morning’s Gold Play

Examining Intra-day Gold Profit Potential

Today's Gold Market presented two separate and early plays. One on the Long side and one on the Short side.

Before Noon one could have had a potential profit of about $3,900 USD per contract traded in Gold.

These are just opportunities unless you have a methodology for Entry, Exit and Risk Control to implement.

Even with these 3 components in hand, you still have to have the courage of your convictions to pull the trigger on these trades.

That too can be optimized with practice and by controlling the emotional aspects of trading at all times.

I'd love to share our private trading techniques with a few more traders. If you're interested and would like a Catalog, e-mail me HERE. - George 


* This is a Private Member's website, not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this web page under the menu tab. Thank you.

Gold Market Opportunity Today

A Continuing Examination of Profit Events . . .

Today's post is short and sweet.

It's merely another verification of the potential regular profit opportunities that present themselves when examining intra-day trading in GOLD.

Today's potential trade was worth about $1,800 USD per contract traded in Gold.

That's a pretty penny for 11-hours of tracking and only taking a single entry!

As I wrote yesterday, one should look at our trading tools as just that: Tools.

These 'Tools' however, are focused on REDUCING YOUR RISK EXPOSURE, and, should be thought about in that, more accurate light instead of just 'trading methods'.

By using a tool like our 'Levitas Principle' method to determine risk exposure limits, and, a Timing Tool like either 'The Intraday Solar Trader' or our unique 'Fibonacci Trends' technique one could have known, (with a very high certainty), that our risk, (in this trading case), was not likely to exceed $200 USD initially and, armed with that information, lower-risk trades become a Choice instead of a gamble.


We don't control the Future.

We can control our Risk.

I'd like to encourage those of our readers who haven't viewed these Courses as Risk Reduction Tools before, to take another look at their necessity to be in your trading toolbox from that perspective alone.

I've developed, written and published an excellent, (so say the professionals, not me), collection of techniques to help a trader reduce and control Risk to the highest degree.

However, these Techniques and Courses are now being made available in a protected format and can be accessed through Private Donations Only and delivered in a Private, Secured, Digital Downloadable Format with full personal printing privileges. 

I look forward to your contact and having you join our select group. The next step is up to you. Bold steps make for Bold People, - George 

To E-mail me: Click HERE: or send to george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com


* This is a Private Member's website, not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

Trading Profits:
  • The Potential Vs. The Practical
  • Weighing the Risk & Picking Your Moment

    Not every entry and exit point is the same.

    This sub-rule of the Laws of Trading is foundational and critical to understand if one is to succeed in the competitive trading arena.

    We've been covering the Gold Market for the last few posts, so, let's continue and present our subject relative to that market.

    There is no such thing as a 'risk-less' trade. I'm sure that this is a known fact to our regular readers. So, that ridiculous notion need not be dealt with further.

    However, that doesn't mean we ignore Risk. On the contrary, every trade we take incurs risk, and, as Professionals, our task is to minimize that risk as much as possible while, at the same time, not really knowing, with absolute certainty, the future Potential of the trade we're entering.

    In the above Gold trade, we're looking at what would have happened if we had taken a longer view to the long entry yesterday and held it until today.

    By using a tool like our 'Levitas Principle' trading method, we would have known, (with a very high certainty), that our risk was not likely to exceed $400 USD and, armed with that information, that dollar amount became our root risk parameter. 

    KNOWING THIS PARAMETER, we can enter the trade as long as it meets our portfolio risk standards.

    As potential profits built up in line with the upwards movement in price, our Risk-to -Reward went from 100%, (at the start), to 22%, (at the $1,800 threshold), and then down to the present 13%. Further price movement upwards will decrease our overall risk parameter even more.

    Of course that's all just a mathematical exercise, the real 'gold' to this exercise is that we're been in theoretical profits since the beginning of this trade and are solidly on the plus side at present

    With Stops in place, only profit, (and, considerable profit at that!), will result from this trade at this point.

    There has been no further risk to the trade since it's beginning.

    Our Bottom Line is determined by our Risk vs. our Potential, and, in most cases we can only take an educated 'guess' as to the full potential of a price move.

    As that's the case, we need to exercise supreme control to the Risk side of the equation as that's the ONLY side of the equation we have real input and an element of control over. Read SLOWLY the Following . . . . .

    We don't control the Future.

    We can control our Risk.

    I've developed, written and published an excellent, (so say the professionals, not me), collection of techniques to help a trader reduce and control Risk to the highest degree.

    I'd like to encourage those of our readers who haven't viewed these Courses as Risk Reduction Tools before, to take another look at their necessity to be in your trading toolbox from that perspective alone.

    Risk Control is What Matters Most!

    Due to current events and conditions, which have caused shipping and delivery problems everywhere, these publications have become unavailable in published form.

    However, these Techniques and Courses are now being made available in a protected format and can be accessed through Private Donations Only and delivered in a Private, Secured, Digital Downloadable Format with full personal printing privileges. 

    These courses over the years have always been reserved for those very few who had the patience to search and could find them in the vastness of the internet jungle.

    As our Courses and our Website remain 'obscure' by design, one has to be directed by FATE herself to find them or to even be reading this article.

    If you've been so directed to this particular point in Time and Space, there must be a reason for it.

    Do consider that deeply if you would. You've found the proverbial 'golden needle in the haystack' at this particular location during these particular Times.

    There must be a Reason for that process.

    Perhaps it's to pick up an idea that's been mentioned here or in another of the many articles I've written over the years on this website.

    Or, perhaps it's to explore further some need you have for some of the special techniques we've been carefully guarding at the Academy for just such visitors as yourself to discover and access for yourselves.

    I look forward to your contact and having you join our select group. The next step is up to you. Bold steps make for Bold People, - George 

    To E-mail me: Click HERE: or send to george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com


    * This is a Private Member's website, not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

    Another Good Trading Day For Gold

    GOLD: Day 2 Trading Profit Potential!

    Another Day Trading Opportunity in GOLD Presented Itself Today.

    As mentioned in my earlier post, it's nice to trade in a market one can believe in and which has inherent value.

    That Market is GOLD and it's longevity is proven over thousands of years. 

    There was one opportunity shown on the chart above which theoretically could have offered up to $1,800 USD in profits from a single contract and possibly more.

    And, YES, as we stated previously, one can make a living from trading just GOLD. Many do. But, . . . You need to be well armed with a solid trading approach. That's where we come in.

    We can provide you with the trading tools you need to help you succeed in these markets today.

    Our Private Academy Members, using the 'Intra-day Solar Trader' or our 'Fibonacci Trends' trading method of market analysis, saw great profit potential. And, they saw it early enough to potentially profit greatly from it.

    Not only this technique, but, All Our Courses are now protected and accessed through Private Donations Only and delivered in a Private, Secured, Digital Downloadable Format. 

    I look forward to having you join our select group. - George 

    To E-mail me: Click HERE: or send to george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com


    * This is a Private Member's website, not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

    ‘Good As Gold’: ‘Gold is Good’ (As A Profitable Day Trading Instrument)

    GOLD: Great Daily Profit Potential!

    What most traders are looking for today is Opportunity and a point of Focus.

    Although a lot of traders trade the Forex Markets, there is little faith in fiat currencies overall in today's political climate.

    Perhaps it's time to consider trading in a Market whose underlying product is one you can Believe in. 

    That Market is GOLD and it's longevity is proven over thousands of years. 

    Unlike fiat currencies which come and go from the scene in a matter of decades, GOLD has the Faith of the People behind it ultimately. It has an Essence of the 'Good' and 'Truth' in a world of corruption & lies.

    And, YES, you can make a living from it trading just GOLD. Many do. But, . . . You need to be well armed with a solid trading approach. That's where we come in.

    The chart above shows what happened after Four trading entry signals were given . . .

    GOLD can be a profitable day trading market for traders today.

    We can provide you with the trading tools you need to help you succeed in these markets today.

    Our Private Academy Members, using the 'Intra-day Solar Trader' method of market analysis, saw great profit potential. And, they saw it early enough to potentially profit greatly from it.

    Not only this technique, but, All Our Courses are now accessed by Private Donation Only and in Secured, Digital Downloadable Format. 

    Same-day Delivery is Now A Reality, not a Wish! - George 

    To E-mail me: Click HERE: or send to george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com


    * This is a Private Member's website, not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

    Making Bank From Bitcoin Break-outs!

    Bitcoin: An Excellent Break-out Market to Trade

    Daily Opportunities Abound in This Market . . But, Mind Your Risk Parameters!

    Friday's Bitcoin Super Trading Opportunity

    Friday gave us a superb BUY entry signal for Bitcoin. NOTE: We used the 'Intra-day Solar Trader' Trading Technique for this example chart shown.

    This potential $1,500 USD trade's signal would have been available ONLY to those using our, time-tested 'Intra-day Solar Trader' Trading Technique, and, it's not an unusual opportunity.

    The profit potential from this Market is rather good and a frequent occurrence even though the risk factor is larger by the nature of the high price level of Bitcoin at present.

    The potential large profitability justifies the risks taken as long as the tool one is using for analysis has a high reliability in itself.

    This is certainly the case for 'The Intra-day Solar Trader' Technique.

    If you'd like more details on how you can get access to this highly accurate market timing technique for yourself, e-mail me today by clicking the HERE link below.

    All of the Academy's Course offerings come with a 24-Month period of GUARANTEED PERSONAL SUPPORT when or if needed along the way.

    As an added assist, all of our Courses are now accessed in Secured, Digital Downloadable Format. Same-day Delivery is Now A Reality, not a Wish! This isn't a small matter in this crazy, broken-supply chain world.- George 

    To E-mail me: Click HERE: or send to george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com


    * This is a Private Member's website, not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

    Today’s E-mini $$ Play

    Finding A Profitable Entry Point in Today's E-minis

    Daily Opportunities Abound in These Markets . . With the Right Tools!

    Today's E-Mini Trading Opportunity

    Today's price slide into the early afternoon gave us a good entry signal using the 'Intra-day Solar Trader' Trading Technique.

    Using this trading tool, one could have followed this market as it rose to the end of the trading day and which then gave an excellent exit signal before the trading session ended.

    The profit potential was $850 USD per contract using this approach and this single trading opportunity today.

    The 'Intra-day Solar Trader' Trading Technique is still available for those willing to make a donation for access to it's secrets. Contact George at the below email address for details on the requested minimum donation for this amazingly valuable trading tool.

    As an added assist, all of our Courses are now accessed in Secured, Digital Downloadable Format. Same-day Delivery is Now A Reality, not a Wish! This isn't a small matter in this crazy, broken-supply chain world.- George 

    To E-mail me: Click HERE: or send to george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com


    * This is a Private Member's website, not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

    Our Private Members: Always At-The-Ready For Profit Opportunity.

    Bitcoin: Thousands of Dollars of Potential!

    Most media talking heads & social gabs have been wringing their hands over Bitcoin for the last few weeks. Lots of 'FUD' (Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt) has been crippling most investors

    However, all of our Private Members who have had access to our 'Market King' and 'Bitcoin Market King' Courses were poised and waiting for a certain sequence of events to complete to signal a turn around to the upside for Bitcoin again.

    This Signal finally occurred and, those who quickly acted would have had the real possibility of making over $4,000 USD in less than 2-day's time.

    The above chart shows what they could see that others could not . . .

    The chart below shows what happened after the signal was given . . .

    Our Private Academy Members, using the 'Bitcoin Market King' method of market analysis, saw BUYING prevailing. And, they saw it early enough to potentially profit greatly from it.

    Not only this technique, but, All Our Courses are now accessed by Private Donation Only and in Secured, Digital Downloadable Format. Same-day Delivery is Now A Reality, not a Wish! - George 

    To E-mail me: Click HERE: or send to george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com


    * This is a Private Member's website, not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

    Did You Fall Into The ‘Golden Trap’?

    It Won't Be The Last Time You'll Be Tempted . . . Learn How To Avoid & Profit From It In The Future!

    Everything about Gold in the last few weeks seemed 'Bullish' in nature.

    However, all of it was a Lie carefully woven to lead you into Buying the insider's inventory. 'They' were SELLING all this time. Selling to YOU, if you fell into their 'Golden Trap'.

    The insider's always leave subtle clues that they can't hide from those sophisticated enough to read the 'signs' of their activities.

    Here's what those who were privy to 'The Market King' Trading Method saw while all others were busily Buying and falling into the 'Golden Trap'.

    The Private Members of the Academy, using this method of market analysis, saw SELLING prevailing. And, we saw it early enough to potentially profit from it.

    To the tune of over $2,000 per contract in less than 8-hours time!

    The 'Market King' Trading Method

    George R. Harrison

    The 'Market King' Designer

    "I've never stopped using this technique once I developed and tested it extensively for myself in live markets. To simply state it, over many years, this technique has not let me down." - a Private Statement to Members Only

    After examining more factors than I care to mention (or ever imagined possible), to determine where to enter and exit significant long-term price trends, I came down to the simplest of factors which worked consistently enough to give a trader a true statistical edge towards winning.

    The 'Market King' and it's co-work, 'The Bitcoin Market King' were the result that I've offered to a few traders for several years now.

    Now, it is being made available in digital, downloadable format through the International Trader's Research Academy for a very reasonable donation with same day access now possible. Something never possible in printed form. You'll also receive Printing Privileges.

    Oddly enough, or perhaps I should say, 'naturally enough', the vast majority of traders have ignored or missed out on this technique.

    I guess the sheer power of this so foundational a technique is really meant for only those few who are willing to pursue finding it. Hence, the small response, so far.

    I thought I'd bring it to our Reader's attention again at this time as we're entering into the type of super cycle where this technique really 'shines'.

    Even those who have gone on to purchase other of our amazing (according to unsolicited purchaser's testimonials), trading courses have missed the boat by ignoring this technique. Will you?

    If you're interested in gaining access to this dynamic and powerful method for yourself and your trading toolbox, I'll be glad to tell you more.            

    Not only this technique, but, All Our Courses are now accessed by Private Donation Only and in Secured, Digital Downloadable Format. Same-day Delivery is Now A Reality, not a Wish! - George 

    To E-mail me: Click HERE: or send to george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com


    * This is a Private Member's website, not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

    Copper Prices Rise As We Predicted

    You Can Get In Early On These Major Price Trend Moves . . . Learn How!

    Back in February we gave another warning that Copper was going to go Higher in Price. The chart above is the one we posted at that time.

    However, you could have boarded onto this Bullet Train as far back as last June of 2020 IF you had a long-term strategy and a top-notch trading indicator for Commodity Markets like our 'Market King' trading method.

    One thing I'd recommend to new traders and certainly to those more seasoned traders as well is . . . Patience.

    There Are Opportunities Every Single Year in Commodities, IF . . .

    . . . one patiently awaits their seasonal or trend opportunity to come around' to them instead of chasing that opportunity and losing in the process. You can't force Markets! You'll lose if you try.

    You CAN, however, let the Markets come to you.

    However, every 30-Years or so, we enter a Super-Cycle which propels prices far beyond their normal seasonal patterns.

    We've already entered into the latest Super-Cycle, and, this one should top all the others previous!

    This longer-term Trend Following Strategy requires something in very short supply in this world today, and, that is Patience, Technique & A Plan.

    A PLAN, in short, is the Key to a more consistent result from the Markets. The 'Technique' is the 'lock' to apply that key to.

    Super-Cycle or Seasonal Trends is the 'The Plan' Part . . .  

    Here is The 'Technique' Part:

    The 'Market King' Trading Method

    George R. Harrison

    The 'Market King' Designer

    "I've never stopped using this technique once I developed and tested it extensively for myself in live markets. To simply state it, over many years, this technique has not let me down."

    After examining more factors than I care to mention (or ever imagined possible), to determine where to enter and exit significant long-term price trends, I came down to the simplest of factors which worked consistently enough to give a trader a true statistical edge towards winning.

    The 'Market King' and it's co-work, 'The Bitcoin Market King' were the result that I've offered to a few traders for several years now.

    Now, it is being made available in digital, downloadable format through the International Trader's Research Academy for a very reasonable donation with same day access now possible. Something never possible in printed form. You'll also receive Printing Privileges.

    Oddly enough, or perhaps I should say, 'naturally enough', the vast majority of traders have ignored or missed out on this technique.

    I guess the sheer power of this so foundational a technique is really meant for only those few who are willing to pursue finding it. Hence, the small response, so far.

    I thought I'd bring it to our Reader's attention again at this time as we're entering into the type of super cycle where this technique really 'shines'.

    Even those who have gone on to purchase other of our amazing (according to unsolicited purchaser's testimonials), trading courses have missed the boat by ignoring this technique. Will you?

    We're now entering into a Commodity Super-Cycle as we mentioned in past posts.

    While I don't hold to the commentary on the chart below, the Historical Price Chart for the Commodity Cycles is one you should download and keep in your Chart Archives.

    Here's the 'takeaway': Commodity Super-Cycles are a Reality and a distinct Profit Source that comes around only once or twice in a Lifetime.

    Here's the prevailing 'thought' during such cycles which you must guard yourself from believing: 'It's too late to get in now', or, 'Prices can't go much higher'. Both of these misleading 'thoughts' are what makes losers out of potential winners.

    Here's the Truth you won't hear"Prices in Commodity up-swinging cycles go higher than anyone can believe possible."

    Also, I'd like to add that, it's never too late to enter these cycles. If you have a superior method, (like 'The Market King', for instance), it will give you many opportunities to come into strong trending markets at safer price points so that you can participate in these amazing trends.

    If you're interested in gaining access to this dynamic and powerful method for yourself and your trading toolbox, I'll be glad to tell you more.            

    Not only this technique, but, All Our Courses are now accessed by Private Donation Only and in Secured, Digital Downloadable Format. Same-day Delivery is Now A Reality, not a Wish! - George 

    To E-mail me: Click HERE: or send to george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com


    * This is a Private Member's website, not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

    Bitcoin: Following the Intra-day Strength

    Intraday Bitcoin Can Be Highly Profitable

    This single trade signal given using our 'Levitas Principle' Trading Method provided a potential profit opportunity of over $2,200 USD per contract (and, still running!) in less than 12-hours time!

    Leverage using Options provides an even greater opportunity for those who are comfortable with those instruments.

    The 'Levitas' Trading Principle can be applied easily to any price chart short-term intra-day to longer-term daily, weekly or even monthly charts.

    It's important to realize that . . .

    In Markets Like These, You Need This Skill!

    This Trading Tool will never be idle once you learn of it's incredible power to distinguish 'average' price moves from those that are the beginnings of New, Strong TRENDS!

    Bitcoin is just our latest example of a volatile marketplace. The 'Levitas' Trading Principle will work in any global market and serve you just as well.

    For those who would like to become aware of the 'replacement' Economy that's forming invisibly right under our noses, take a closer look at the ALT Coin Universe.

    'Are You Ready To Reap The Profit Harvest Offered?

    I encourage you to take a closer look at this Very Special Technique.

    You can read some more about it by clicking HERE.

    For longer-term Stock Traders, this technique would have surely saved you a bunch of headaches back in 2018 when it signaled to get out of the S&P 500 Index (or go Short!), near the very top of the Market, (see the chart below).

    Our Private Member's know the extreme value of this trading technique and wish for us to stop offering it, but, I'd like to allow it to be available just a bit longer as there's a great need out there for traders to be able to protect themselves from these 'crazy' market moves.

    If you're interested in gaining access to this dynamic and powerful method for yourself and your trading toolbox, I'll be glad to tell you more.            

    All Our Courses are now accessed by Donation Only and in Secured, Digital Downloadable Format. Same-day Delivery is Now Possible! - George                

    E-mail me: Click HERE: or send to george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com


    * This is a Private Member's website, not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

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