Tag Archives for " Fibonacci Trends "

Global Stocks: Going Higher This Week

The BIG PICTURE, from the Nikkei, DAX or NASDAQ, all are giving signals that prices will go still Higher this Week.

When ALL the Markets signal the same thing, it's a market direction to respect and watch for. - George

*We're not an Advisory Service. Read our Disclaimer. This is an opinion and educational website only.

However, our Unique, Private, Proprietary charting techniques can go far in removing the confusion of the markets and their future directions. Contact me by e-mail today to learn how you can gain access to a trading skill set like no other. There's no better time than now to get started . . .

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Beginning of the Great New Commodity Bull Market Era

The BIG PICTURE, when you pull back far enough on a large enough time scale, is that for several years now, the Markets have been setting themselves up for their next Bull Market.

Commodities are fond of the 'Saturn Cycle', which is a 30-Year Cycle from top to bottom or bottom to top. This pattern is now due from the top back in 1990. 1990 + 30-years = 2020 Low.

There have been only a handful of major commodity Lows over the last 100-Years and, all have offered excellent and life-changing profit opportunities to those who took advantage of them over that time period. This is a rare moment in History and this can be your moment as well.

Make use of our proprietary charting techniques to track and find great entry points in this new BULL MARKET starting. Contact me by e-mail today. There's no better time than now to get started . . .

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Holiday Special Offers

This Holiday Season, avail yourself of one of our proprietary Courses or Collection Sets of special charting techniques. Let our over 50-Years of Research & Experience provide you with a roadmap for the market opportunities that are ahead.

For example, we're now entering a new BULL Market for Commodities.

Find the best prices to enter these markets and track them to their most profitable conclusions Up or Down. We have a variety of techniques and approaches that are based on mathematical foundations and largely unknown Market Principles that can fit almost any trader's personality and trading style.

Let us know what area of study or course you're interested in, and, we'll give you our best access donation price during this Holiday Season.


Enter your text here.

Contact me by e-mail today. There's no better time than now to get started . . .

The 90-Year Cycle Stock Market Top

The 90-Year Time Cycle is one of the very important ones because it is two times 45. This time period must always be watched at the end of long time periods. For example: 1932 was 90 years from 1842. Study the Wheat prices around this time. 1850-1851 – add 90 years and we get 1940-41. Note low prices of Wheat around that time. 1855, June, high for Wheat 170. 90 years from this period gives 1945. Wheat reached high in June, selling at 170, some contracts at 168 and 169. 1850-51, extreme lows for Wheat. Add 45 years and we get 1895 when extreme low was reached. From 1895 we again add 45 years and get 1940.” - W.D. Gann


For our US Students and Clients, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

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Minor Trend Inversion With Upswing

The strength of the Stock Market was such that an ordinary downswing and expanded range movement in price was inverted into a still stronger additional upswing in prices instead.

Prices did not trigger our Sell Signal mentioned by going below our dotted lines on the chart, so, by using an additional 'confirmation' tool of price movement downwards, we were able to avoid being on the wrong side of the expected price movement.

Our expectation of an increased daily price range did correctly manifest this week, although, inverted and on the upside in movement (continuing the strong weekly uptrend).

The strong momentum of the Stock Market is due to a Long-Term Cycle Factor which will soon peak.

I'll discuss this further in the next post this Holiday Weekend.

For our US Students and Clients, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

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Crude Oil Uptrend Continues

As we've already had Crude Oil making an expected Low for the month of November, the path is clear for up-trending prices continuing on into the first quarter of 2021.

The Daily Trend for Crude Oil as shown in the above chart further confirms this outlook of higher prices going forward.

As always, watch the market. Apply the tools we teach here at the Academy and you'll be first in line to know of any important changes in price trend as they occur and, be aware of those changes well in advance of both the average and most professional traders.

Should you wish to have access to this level of Market Analysis skill for yourself, Contact me at the e-mail address below for Course Donation information today.

All results shown in our illustrations are part of the educational process presented to our Private Members & Visitors. They are hypothetical only. This is not an advisory service. We are indicating POTENTIAL ONLY based on our past information and experiences. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance, etc.. Please read the Disclaimer.- George

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Emini Downtrend Move Expected This Week

Be aware that there is weakness showing in the Stock Market that should show itself this week as lower prices.

In fact, there may be a large move downwards during this coming week, possibly on Monday.

This is not unexpected what with the upwards moving prices over the last few weeks.

That, along with internal factors revealed by our proprietary trading techniques just further confirm that one should watch for the price trend to reverse especially if prices drop below the black dotted line shown at the right side of the above chart around the 3550 price level.

Our previous prediction over two-weeks ago about an upcoming expected large moving price range for the Stock Market was certainly borne out with a massive 150-point bar in a single day!

Should you wish to have access to this level of Market information, Contact me at the e-mail address below for Course Donation information today.

All results shown in our illustrations are part of the educational process presented to our Private Members & Visitors. They are hypothetical only. This is not an advisory service. We are indicating POTENTIAL ONLY based on our past information and experiences. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance, etc.. Please read the Disclaimer.- George

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Global Stock Markets Poised For Large Move This Week!

There's some pretty strong, but almost unknown (except by our Course Methods), evidence that the Global Stock Markets are poised for a large scale price move this coming week.

Our Market Maker's Trigger Technique, for instance, noted that US and European Stock Markets are both poised for a large scale price move on a Daily basis that will likely show itself this coming week.

It would be hard to determine what kind of events will cause this, and, it's hardly necessary for us as traders to speculate on it as there are so many to choose from these days, but, let's just say that there are technical factors that indicate that this particular price move is already 'baked into the cake'; it's already a done deal.

While the Daily Trend has been up for the Stock Market in general, we've reached an expected peak area where a re-adjustment to the downside can easily occur. This would be my first expectation.

However, one should also watch for a sudden breakout to an even higher price level.

What we're pointing out here is that, whichever direction prices breakout or drop to, the price bar ranges are likely to be large, meaning, good potential profit opportunities in a limited period of time.

Let's be aware and watch for breakouts above previous Highs or price drops below the Lows of the past week and use them initially to indicate the coming direction for the large anticipated price move ahead.

'Wise Trading = Successful Trading.' George

Should you wish to have access to this level of Market information, Contact me at the e-mail address below for Course Donation information today.

All results shown in our illustrations are part of the educational process presented to our Private Members & Visitors. They are hypothetical only. This is not an advisory service. We are indicating POTENTIAL ONLY based on our past information and experiences. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance, etc.. Please read the Disclaimer.- George

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Mathematics Wins Over Media Manipulation – Every Time!

It's been a while since I've last mentioned another one of our Premium Trading Courses.

The Fibonacci Trends Trading Technique is one of our most mathematically sound & consistent approaches to analyzing fast or slow-moving price trends.

This method is particularly valuable to day or intra-day traders in fast-moving markets like Forex, Gold, Crude Oil, the Stock Indexes and Crypto-currencies, like BitCoin.

When combined with our other day trading method, the Intra-day Solar Trader, a trader has an extremely powerful set of tools to match any active market and it's price movements.

Remember the 'Fibonacci Trends' technique when you consider your next skill set acquisition.

You can learn more about this powerful trading technique by Clicking Here, or by clicking the Elite Trading Methods menu tab at the top of this webpage and going down to the links for the Fibonacci Trends Methods and clicking on those links.

When combined with our other day trading method, the Intra-day Solar Trader, a trader has an extremely powerful set of tools to match any active market and it's price movements.

Contact me at the e-mail address below for Course Donation information today.

All results shown in our illustrations are part of the educational process presented to our Private Members & Visitors. They are hypothetical only. This is not an advisory service. We are indicating POTENTIAL ONLY based on our past information and experiences. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance, etc.. Please read the Disclaimer.- George

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Take Advantage of Trading Opportunities Without the Need for a Large Bankroll . . .

There are Commodity ETFs for every sector that are now available for purchase at a small fraction of the cost of their futures contracts. Many of the larger ETFs also have options which can be traded for even less initial cost.

​It's possible to accumulate double or even triple-digit returns using these instruments along with our unique trading techniques of market analyses like our new 'Fibonacci Trends' Trading Course.

There are also Currency ETFs for the major currencies available, and, there are options available in these as well providing a more flexible position when it comes to capturing a larger portion of major price trends.

​One of the advantages of using ETFs over standard Forex pairs at the usual brokerages is that the outright purchase of an ETF or it's option provides immunity from the rapid price spikes that are part and parcel of the Algorithm High Frequency Trading Crowd. They pop traders out of their properly positioned trades through these rapid price moves forcing them to liquidate their positions at a loss only to see the previous trend continue immediately afterwards. This happens daily to thousands of innoscent traders and ETFs can protect one from this manipulative activity and actuall save a good deal of money from being lost to 'fake' orders of this type​.

There are many other ETFS as well, some for all the major nations;  their economies and Stock Markets as well as for most Stock Sectors. That means that there are even more opportunity possibilities to profit from the use of ETFs. Their lower cost also means that even the least-capitalized trader can find an affordable entry point that enables them to take advantage of shifts in Market Trends.

​Their lower cost also means that even the least-capitalized trader can find an affordable entry point that enables them to take advantage of shifts in Market Trends. We'll explore some of these low-cost, profit possibilities in the coming posts. - George

Contact: George@wdgann-lost-secrets.com and ask for our quote for the 'Platinum Package'. Time is of the Essence as there are only a few of these packages that I can release each month in order to be able to provide any assistance if needed to everyone who becomes an owner of this magnificent set.

Trading Skills Matter; You Need The BEST . . .

. . . And, That's Why We're Here!

It's not enough to stand by and watch the Markets. You have to seize what you want from the markets! How do you do that you may ask? Well . . .

. . .No one is handing out Profits, so, if you want them, you have to see what others cannot see, and, then, be ready to act on that inside knowledge that only your own skills can bring to the Game of Investing.

Look at the EUR/USD intra-day forex market above. I've highlighted just two price points where a Trader could have had advanced warning of in impending drop in price ahead.

That where our most popular and profitable trading methods come into play.

Like our New and highly effective 'Fibonacci Trends' Trading Technique . . .

​This Method is one of our fastest responding to market conditions at every time frame whether intra-day to Daily, Weekly or longer. - George

It's my privilege to offer a lucky few a Special Annual Holiday Offer on my two most recent Trading Method Courses; 'The Levitas Trading Principle' and, the very popular 'Fibonacci Trends' Trading Method.

Both Courses use entirely different principles for analyzing the markets and make an excellent pair of Techniques that can cross-confirm each other's analysis of the present market conditions.

It would not be out of line for you to reward yourself at this time during the Holiday Season. After all, you've worked hard. You've put in the research to find the unique techniques that are on this website haven't you? Yes, to both statements. You're the one to take action. If you don't step up and purchase the right tools for the job at hand, who will? E-mail me here for your special quote. - ​

Be sure to e-mail me today to secure your place and grab the last publicly available copies of our Trading Collection Library.

Making Money From Forex By Standing Still . . .

​How To Make Money In Forex By Standing Still . . .

Gains of 12% to 17% were possible holding just cash US Dollar positions vs. the Brazilian Real, Russian Ruble, Indian Rupee or the South African Rand​ over the last year.

Had one held only mildly margin-ed forex pairs with the USD on any of these currencies, they would have been able to make far, far higher returns. And, all without trading in and out and watching the quote screens all day.

But, to be able to go for this long-term strategy, (which is the ​most protected from market manipulators), you'd still need a reliable technique for evaluating whether the profitable trend you were following was staying on course.​

That where our most popular and profitable trading methods come into play.

Like our New and highly effective 'Fibonacci Trends' Trading Technique . . .

​The above chart shows how 'Fibonacci Trends' could have given a very early tip-off to the upcoming profitability potential of the USD/RUB forex pair.


This month is your Last Chance to publicly purchase from our Trading Courses Collection.

We'll soon be offering our unique course materials ONLY to Members of our Private Trading Education Group. ​

All previous Clients will be grandfathered into our Membership. ​

All new prospective members will have to enter through our "Initial Access' Private Membership Level.

There will be a nominal membership entry fee to confirm interest for newcomers and non-clients and this will give them access to ​All New Posts, ​Special Reports and ​Special Course Package Offerings.​

In fact, the Members Only Log-in will be the ONLY way to gain access to our Courses, Charts and Commentaries in the future.

​They will be offered only Privately and, ​to Members Only.

​Be sure to e-mail me today to secure your place and grab the last publicly available copies of our Trading Collection Library.

Fibonacci Trends

'Fibonacci Trends'

Our Newest Course . . . Limited Access!!

"​When It Comes to Trading the Markets Accurately . . . ​This is the Tool You Need!" - George

For those Experienced, Qualified Investors Who Are Ready to Go Deeper into the Structure of Price.

"This Method is Not Only Accurate, It's Just Plain Fun!"

Our 'Fibonacci Trends' Course is the Best Performing Single Course offering that will be available to our Clients. In our continuing research, we explored combining TWO Natural Laws and found that they were not only compatible but, offered unprecedented access to the earliest overall timing to price trend turns in the Markets.

O​nly a few of these courses will be available to a few of our Clients & Students.

What is offered here goes beyond just the 80-20 or, even the 90-10 level of understanding. The '​Fibonacci Trends' Course will launch you into the 99-1 level of powerful, exponential Success and Growth of Capital.

  • 'Fibonacci Trends' uses an entirely Unique & Innovative, numerical Concept and Approach to Trading & Investing. that will forever change your understanding based on a Natural Principle that will always stand the test of Time.
  • A Quantum shift in Market Understanding and Trading.
  • Even 'Chaos' must follow hidden Rules of Behavior.
  • This Powerful Concept is definitely not meant for the inexperienced or beginning trader! It's meant for those who have the discipline and maturity to apply it consistently. This heretofore Secret Principle is the Reward for your Years of searching for Market Truth.
  • This is information for the 1% and the .1% of Traders. Market Success (as described earlier by Pareto's 80-20 Law) is Elite by it's very ​structure. It's a FACT. Only the very few shall pass through this Gate and those who do shall use and protect this information fiercely.
  • A Very High Price has been paid to acquire this enlightening Wisdom. Many, many years were spent in it's pursuit and still more years to discover the unique techniques on how to apply the '​Fibonacci Trends' Method of Trading.
  • This is what I call a 'Legacy Teaching'; one of the 'Golden Age' teachings which I'm willing to pass on to a few chosen students. These will be the Chosen Few who will protect it and use it to make the World a better place in which to live. Make no mistake about it. Those who use this information will find themselves in a financial position to make changes for the better for multitudes of lives. This information has the potential to change lives not just your balance sheet bottom line!
  • One of the Laws of Nature & Mathematics is that Effort and Success are ALWAYS disproportionate, so, you must apply your trading & investment efforts in the most effective way possible. In other words, most trading approaches will fail, but, a very few approaches will succeed ENORMOUSLY. The '​Fibonacci Trends' Trading Approach is one of those very few. ​Because it's based on the structure of ​numbers themselves it always aligned with the markets. ALL Markets in ALL Time periods.
  • Using an 80-20 approach to Trading means that one must confine one's trading efforts to ONLY the very best Opportunity Points.

​This, our latest release is much more than just another Course. This is the release of a Profound Mathematical Principle which has been previously hidden 'within' the Fibonacci Principle.

  • ​TWO, underlying, powerful Mathematical Principles.
  • Super-Early Detection of Trend Changes in the Markets. Matching or, usually, exceeding that available with other trading methods.
  • ​Two-Years of Guaranteed Consulting Support to fully back you up in your understanding & application of the methods.
  • ​In fact, you are actually contracting to purchase my Consulting Support & Services. The Course is shared as part of that contract.
  • ​​Shipping & Delivery is the same day using our online, secured, encrypted Download.
  • ​Private Print Out of Course contents. You have 22-days to print out a single copy of your registered Course.

​How to Work From A Purely Numerical Level to Find Critical Market Turns Even At The Intra-Day Level!

Thousands of Day Traders Have Been Searching For This, But . . .

. . . Only 25 Will Learn It This Year!

​Once you've learned the two principles behind 'Fibonacci Trends', it will be like you've learned the Secret to Aerodynamics while those around you (competing traders) are still claiming that Man will never fly!

What an advantage!

When you know the Structure upon which the fabric of market mathematics is built, you'll be able to override even the automated trading programs or, at least know, where even the HFT programs must shift trends.

Note how, for the Crude Oil chart to the right one could have potentially made over $2,500 USD per contract in just two-days time by adopting the 'Fibonacci Trends' Trading Approach!

​'Fibonacci Trends' will reveal the secret to intraday trades like this.

​In my over 50-Years of Research, this is the deepest dive I've successfully made into the fundamental mathematical structure of Numbers themselves. Time is ignored for this Approach. Only Price matters or is needed to solve for price trend changes. - George

I'm presenting to you, today, the very Solution that Serious Investors & Traders have been waiting for:

The 'Fibonacci Trends' Trading Approach.

Not ​like my previous courses, mind you. And, this is not merely a Course Offering either. 

Not even close. This Publication will expose you to a Hidden Truth ​about the very essence & structure of Price itself; one that will reveal one of the most important factors that actually ​dictates an essential component of the Markets (ALL Markets): The TREND.

Before today (and the release of this information to just a handful of Clients), ​we've explored many aspects of the markets and market insiders.

​With this new, dynamic Course offering of 'Fibonacci Trends', we, at last, can transcend even the influence of market insiders. 

The '​Fibonacci Trends' Trading ​Approach and it's ​application of Two, fundamental, mathematical techniques can achieve the kind of results that could only have been dreamed of before; and, all without software to depend on or subscription services to lean on either. ​

Why does it work?

​Because it's based on a mathematical relationship that always holds. Always has. Always will. That's how Nature works! It's reliable; so's the 'Fibonacci Trends' when properly applied!

​The Bottom Line is when to BUY and SELL. That's it. The Market Makers focus is on never letting you know just where those price points are located!

That's the real GAME we're engaged in when trading. It's US against THEM and They have most of the advantages on their side of the Game Board. There's Two ways to WIN the Game as I see it after half-a-Century of observation . . .

  • The First is to totally understand the Nature of the Game we're playing and where the traps and advantages lie in the Game Rules.
  • The Second is to discover underlying, unchanging Principles that can give us an edge over our Competition by disclosing just WHERE those orders in the Markets are hiding so we can act early at critical turning points in the Markets. This is exactly what our new course 'Fibonacci Trends' provides us.

Principles (because they ARE Principles) continue to work successfully in the Commodity, Stock, Indexes and Forex Markets. They have in the Past; they will in the future because they are not opinions or fads.

These are LAWS of NATURE.

If you'd like to learn more about our innovative and unique 'Fibonacci Trends' Trading Approach​ for purchase purposes, then, please contact: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com by e-mail today.

This approach to trading is different. Very different and, Very, Very Accurate.

What We Offer That You Can Find Nowhere Else


  • ​World-Class Service: Guaranteed ​Two-Year Support & Consulting Service for each Course whenever you need it. The Author will respond to your request with original Text and Charts to further Clarify the concepts.
  • ​World-Class Quality: Our products are Unique, time-tested over Decades and even Hundreds of Years of price history and consist of Market Discoveries that are Closely Guarded, Proprietary and available nowhere else on Earth.
  • We Serve a Very Unique ​Clientele: Professional, Business-oriented, Active Traders; delivering to them amazingly accurate World Class Trading Methods & Market Knowledge that can't be found anywhere else.
  • A Very Special, Personalized Learning Experience: You experience with us is Guaranteed to be one that is personalized and satisfying at many levels. We'll treat you with the Respect you deserve as a valued Client & Student. Our over half-a-Century of Market Analysis & Research experience will provide you with a market-matured perspective to both Trading Techniques and responses to your questions (as they arise). You'll have access to this perspective throughout the business week by private file & text services.
  • Our Prices Are Expensive . . . By Design: Our Prices are part of our Mission to treat our Clients to the very ​Highest Quality of Market Trading Methods & Knowledge. The Prices that come with World-Class Quality help to further guarantee their very limited distribution. REMEMBER: You're receiving the Results of over Half-a-Century of intense research, testing and workmanship.

Intra-Day Trading Chart Examples of Using The 'Fibonacci Trends' Trading Approach: 

Click on charts to enlarge  

Daily International Stock Index Trading Chart Examples​:

Click on charts to enlarge  

Forex Intra-Day Trading Chart Examples:

Click on charts to enlarge  

Q & A

Q: Does this new course involve 'drawing' lines on the charts also?

A: Yes, you will need to draw only a Single (ONE) Line (unlike with the Gann Angle courses). There ​is an integration of two fundamental mathematical laws to using '​Fibonacci Trends' that are described in the Manual.

These include:

It's worth noting that the '​Fibonacci Trends' are capable of creating the sharpest, earliest entry & exit angles I've ever seen.

Q: Does '​Fibonacci Trends' involve using calendar dates and 'counts'.

A: There are no calendar dates to locate or calculations to make.

Q: Can I ask how much this course is (you mentioned there is an exclusive member discount).
A: These techniques have been highly prized; and for good reason. ​Support Contracts are extremely limited, please e-mail me for price.  

Q: Some methods from the Master Course require the charts to be ‘squared’. Does this method require the charts to be ‘squared’?

A: ​No. ​No special requirements for chart formatting are required.

Q: Besides an earlier entry, can you please elaborate on any other advantages? For example, does this new material provide a higher success rate on positions taken?

A: ​This Technique is focused on detecting the earliest change in price trend. For intraday traders this is a crucial and all-important benefit.

Trade Certainty is Higher, in other words, and, the process is simpler than either Excalibur, Exponential or most of the other methods. Where there is a market Truth, there should be simplicity in applying it to trading. That's certainly the case here.

I usually rate a method personally by how easy it is to apply and by how much insight into the actual market it provides. Thirdly, I look at the entry and exit points and see how close they are to the actual tops and bottoms.

Looking at the first factors "How easy it is to apply?" and "How much insight do I get into the Market?", I give 'Fibonacci Trends' a first place ribbon. It's very easy to use and gives absolutely GREAT insight into what's going on with trend turns and ongoing trend STOPS and new, updated Entry & Exit points are constantly provided by the market's data itself (in chart form) as future price information continues to unfold.

The Entry & Exit points, being as tight as they are to top and bottom turns give a higher success rate in this sense: Entries & Exits are closer to Stops on the other side of the high or low, so, risk is reduced while the potential profit is increased by getting into the new trends earlier.

Q: Are absolute highs and lows predicted with much greater accuracy etc?

A: No. It was never the intention of this method to predict the high or low numerically to-the-bar. That technique was in Module #3 and, involves some calculations (which I like to avoid) and, is, by definition a hard target to hit probability-wise.

I chose to integrate price momentum into the process as close to the top or bottom as possible in order to minimize risk better. The results are almost the same while the risk is significantly lessened by not taking the risk of picking a single bar as a top or bottom (a low-probability event point) as opposed to taking a group of price bars and letting them define their own tipping point according to natural law.

Q: How is 'Fibonacci Trends' supreme to all of the other materials from your research?

A: For the reasons mentioned earlier (lowered risk/greater potential gains, much earlier indication of trend changes)​.

In other words, it's not a methodology based on a single approach only, but, upon two time-tested and proven principles that have been integrated into a single package approach to detect early trend changes in market price trends and, to follow a market until those changes in trend occur

Q. Do I have to draw lines on the live chart / on historical chart ?
A: Yes you do if you wish to see where the critical entry and exit points are. ​However, unlike with other approaches, you'll only be drawing a SINGLE line. ​

Q. Do I need the chart in some fixed format ? Or normal chart available on any charting software would do?
A: No, you don't need to format the charts in any special way. Normal online charts can be used. All the charts on the descriptive page were taken from online sources. No lines were shown on the charts for security reasons of course.

Q. Do I need some special tools to draw these lines or standard tools like horizontal/vertical/ trend lines would do ?
A: The standard tools on most charting software to draw
trend  lines will work just fine.
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