Tag Archives for " inflation and the markets "

  • A Gift For Trader’s In 3-Parts
  • W.D. Gann’s Rules For Trading: Part I

    Are You Following These Rules For Trading? 
    We Can't Just Follow 'Most' Of Them.
           We Need To Follow Them All!*

    Most traders think they can just follow a physical trading method and their problems will be over and Success will come calling in the Markets.

    Alas, not so my friends.

    The rest of the Success Puzzle lies within ourselves. We have to internalize certain Rules or Habits of Conduct for ourselves and combine them WITH our Trading Method to achieve optimal, (and, repeatable), results.

    For the next 3-Days,I'm going to present you with 28-Nuggets of Trading Gold from Master Trader W.D. Gann himself.

    We've taken the extra step of placing Mr. Gann's Rules for Traders into a beautiful graphic format so that you can feel comfortable to actually read, and, hopefully, absorb them better.

    I hope you find all 3-Parts most Enjoyable and Enlightening! - George


    For More Information Email: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com 

    * There is no magic carpet to Success. Read Our Disclaimers.

  • A ‘Ready, Set, Go’ Strategy:
  • To Pinpoint Potential Profit Points!

    Your Market 'Early Warning System'

           What If You Could 'Sense' A Trend Change Coming? 
            With These 2 Courses . . . You Can!*
    The First, ('MMT'), Warns of Impending Large Price Moves Ahead,
    The Second, ('Fibonacci Trends') Pinpoints The Direction & Timing!

    What more do I need to tell you. Most of our readers have been watching our results posted here for years. You already know how powerful these methods are.

    But, until now, you hadn't thought of teaming two of these amazing trading courses TOGETHER to achieve results greater than the Sum of the Two!

    Let Me Make It Even SWEETER For You . . .

    Right now, because of the extended lockdown for many of you, I've decided to make an even better offer than usual for our private students and clients both.

    I'm opening up a narrow window for a few more students/clients where you'll be able to get access to and harness BOTH of our amazing trading techniques for a special FEBRUARY SPECIAL DONATION RATE.

    These techniques will detect shifts in the price momentum using just your online price charts alone. No special software. No updates ever. Each Course stands on it's own merits, . . . BUT, . . 

    When Both Courses Are Combined To Work Together, WOW! What A Powerhouse!

    'The Market Maker's Trigger ('MMT)' gives one a sneak preview of how the institutions are viewing the market you're trading. It will tell you when a change is coming to the Market (the "Ready, Set" signal). Wouldn't you like to take a peek at their order 'book' and know when they're ready to flip the price trend? That's just what 'MMT' is all about.

    'Fibonacci Trends' is finely-tuned to operate at even the shortest of time frames for Day Traders and is totally flexible in analysis work for longer Daily, Weekly or Monthly trends as well. It detects the Change ( the 'Go' signal) in trend at the earliest time.

    I've detected, after researching literally decades of price charts, a consistent signal of 'upcoming events' of significance (big price movements).

     Combined with our 'Fibonacci Trends' super-early warning of trend direction change, you'll have a powerful pair of analytical market tools in your corner that will perform faithfully year-after-year for the rest of your trading career.

    That Should Be Enough For The Intelligent, Inquisitive Traders Among You


    * There is no magic carpet to Success. Read Our Disclaimers.

  • Concentrate On The Wins:
  • It’s The Winning Trades That Count!

    Emphasize A Winning Strategy

    By Learning From Your Mistakes.
            A 'Win-Win' Approach Is Only Possible If You 
            Learn From Your Previous Mistakes
    How Can You Swing The Odds In Your Favor Over Time?

    By turning your losing trades into winners by learning from them and not repeating losing strategies.

    There's too much emphasis on losses these days. Cumulative losses make up a losing overall strategy.

    Instead, focus on the Wins, even the small wins, and, don't let a Winning Trade turn into a losing trade by 'hanging on' in hope! A Winning overall strategy is created by accumulating Winning trades!

    Using an Excellent Trading Strategy is where you start.

    We've done the hard lifting already; We Researched, Discovered, Tested, Wrote and Published Our Trading Courses specifically for our private students & clients.

    Our Trader's Academy has the exact proprietary trading methods you need to provide timely entries before entering the fray and are now making them available for a greatly reduced donation level to our work here.

    These same techniques, by the way, because they're all constructed upon fundamental, (if still largely undiscovered), Natural Laws, can tell you, with high probability and great accuracy, when a market is topping and about to reverse directions.

    Our techniques detect shifts in the price momentum using price charts alone.

    Most are built upon never-changing Mathematical Principles such as our New 'Fibonacci Trends' Trading Course.

    'Fibonacci Trends' is finely-tuned to operate at even the shortest of time frames for Day Traders and is totally flexible in analysis work for longer Daily, Weekly or Monthly trends as well.

    All Our Courses Are Now Available For Immediate, Same-day Download. George

    Write me for Donation details.  George

  • The Market Rodeo:
  • Can You Stay On For The Whole Ride?

    It's One Thing To Get On The 'Horse' (Market),

    But, Hanging On For The Whole Ride (Trend), That's The Trick!

    Yahoo! Hi-Ho Silver, What A Ride!

    How Do You Know When To Get In Or To Exit These Kinds Of Markets?

    You need to have a System; a way of 'reading the price charts' in such a way as to detect what the vast number of traders are missing and the 'insiders are trying to hide.

    Our Trader's Academy has exactly the proprietary trading methods you need to perfect timely entries before giant run-ups in markets like Silver (SLV) shown here.

    What's More, these same techniques can tell you, with high probability, when a market is topping and about to reverse directions.

    Our techniques detect shifts in the price momentum using price charts alone.

    Volatile markets offer even more opportunities ahead than we can imagine.

    Will you have the right tools when the next potential high-flyer comes into view?

    Prepare by obtaining access to one of our excellent, individual Trading Courses

    So, reach out and save yourself a huge amount of time (literally years and decades) as well as tens of thousands of dollars from losses (that will likely occur without these courses or information), by contacting me today.

    I'll get right back to you. George

    While Others Are Chasing Rainbows . . .

    While The Crowd Is Chasing 'GameStop' Dreams

    The Disciplined Trader Stays Focused On Their Market !

    Long-term Successful Traders become experts in their select market! 

    This means they patiently wait for that market to signal its intentions and, then, ACT.

    No One Can Trade Around The Clock,

    But, Opportunity Is Always There

    This doesn't mean that one can't trade a high flyer like GameStop (GME), when it comes around, but, you'll find most of the speculators who got into this stock got into it earlier and with a PLAN. If you have the patience, you can do the same in time.

    The very same proprietary trading methods used for the signal points on the E-mini chart above, would have given a timely entry before the giant run-up in GameStop.

    Let's take a quick look at the chart and see what we can find for a signal . . .

    Those traders looking to trade significant breakouts from sideways trading ranges had several opportunities to do so as shown above.

    One of the Legendary Traders, Michael Burry, Took This Trade

    Mr. Burry, using his own unique methods of analysis, came to the conclusion that GameStop was a trade position worth taking with good possibilities.

    Boy, Was He Ever Right!

    The best analytical tools often give entry and exit points that are close in price to each other.

    Indeed, our techniques also detected a shift in the price momentum for GameStop (GME) even a bit earlier than where Mr. Burry came in with his millions to invest.

    How did all this look when we compress Time and bring it up to date?

    Pretty spectacular, that's how!

    Of course, this is a Historical Trade and, not one to be expected to repeat.

    Although, Markets are now becoming very volatile as a result of this trade and a few other markets were affected like it, so, perhaps there are more opportunities ahead than we can imagine. Never rule that out!

    Will you be ready with the right tools when the next GameStop comes into view?

    Prepare by obtaining access to one of our excellent, individual Trading Course Techniques or our Master Course if that's your wish.

    You have an excellent alternative to the 'work hard and discover everything by myself' approach. Especially if you don't have 50-years or more to spare for the 'project'.

    The clever, mature-minded (disciplined) trader who desires to take both his understanding of the Markets and his trading skills to a much higher level in the shortest time possible, can save both time and money (from losses avoided), by gaining access to these privately offered courses.

    This amazing collection of Specialized Trading Techniques, Wisdom and Insights into the markets (gathered over the last Half-Century), is now available in a Digital, Downloadable Format with Printing Privileges and may be accessed by a monthly subscription Gift over time or obtained all-at-once for a one-time Gift Donation.

    You can take a look under the Menu Tab 'More Course Info' (and select the course of interest for more details) at the top of this webpage, then, simply E-mail me for more information about our requested donation levels for the course of your choice. 

    I'm looking for just 10 intensely devoted clients/students who wish to take the Master Course on a monthly gift subscription basis. For these special '10', I'll offer a Special Access Donation Level that will not be available otherwise.

    So, reach out and save yourself a huge amount of time (literally years and decades) as well as tens of thousands of dollars from losses (that will likely occur without these courses or information), by contacting me today.

    I'll get right back to you. George

    ‘Time Compression Trading’: The Emini

    You Can Save A Lot Of Wasted Hours

    When You Use Specialized Tools That 'Compress Time' !

    No Long-term Successful Trader is in the Markets all the time! They patiently wait for price and time to align and only spring into action at those critical times.

    By patiently waiting, they 'optimize' their time and avoid the 'noise' or 'swings' in price that chop up so many full-time traders.

    Once The Market Set Up Today, It Only Took 25-Minutes for Profits To Expand To A Potential $2,500 USD!

    Do You Really Want To Stay Glued To the Computer Screen All Day? It's Not Necessary To Be This Tied-down To The Market.

    You see, not every moment in the Market is the same as every other moment. The purpose of most of the price action is to define the important moments that are coming up which will provide most of the gains of that day.

    The KEY for you is to have market analysis 'tools' that are both Unique and Effective at tracking Time & Price instead of tracking popular, overused, ineffective, (and, probably 'hacked'), trading 'indicators'.

    Trading 'indicators' track and treat every market moment as the 'same', therefore, most traders can't distinguish the most important points for Price & Time using this approach.

    Our Unique Techniques: Optimize Your Entries & Exits

    W. D. Gann was insistent that a trader or investor shouldn't be in the Markets all the time. In fact, he wrote that more money was made in less time from declines from major uptrends. So, you see that even W.D. Gann stipulated that some times were more optimal to trade than others.

    'Time Compression Trading': The Silver Market

    The Silver Market was another market that had opportunity present itself today.

    Now, this market presented it full opportunity over a 3-hour period instead of just 25-minutes, but, 3-hours of intensely following a market beats trying to follow it for 18-hours or until one's eyes 'glaze over'.

    In the Silver Market's case, an even larger gain was possible that for the emini mentioned earlier. There was a $2,750 USD possibility for those disciplined enough to follow one of our unique, proprietary techniques.

    The essence of the techniques applied in the 2 examples shown above is that they each projected 'zone of permissible action' which allowed a trader to stand back from having to intensely monitor the price action until time expired and price started to deviate from it's acceptable parameters.

    Once a signal is triggered, then, you intensely follow the market using the technique until it's calculated STOP provides the EXIT trade.

    Our accumulated discoveries, (made one-at-a-time over the decades), have been assembled into a Collection which I called the 'Harrison-Gann Trade Secrets Master Course', or, the 'Master Course' for short.

    You may also avail yourself of our excellent, individual Trading Course Techniques separately from our Master Course if that's your wish.

    You have an excellent alternative to the 'work hard and discover everything by myself' approach. Especially if you don't have 50-years or more to spare for the 'project'.

    The clever, mature-minded (disciplined) trader who desires to take both his understanding of the Markets and his trading skills to a much higher level in the shortest time possible, can save both time and money (from losses avoided), by gaining access to these privately offered courses.

    This amazing collection of Specialized Trading Techniques, Wisdom and Insights into the markets (gathered over the last Half-Century), is now available in a Digital, Downloadable Format with Printing Privileges and may be accessed by a monthly subscription Gift over time or obtained all-at-once for a one-time Gift Donation.

    You can take a look under the Menu Tab 'More Course Info' (and select the course of interest for more details) at the top of this webpage, then, simply E-mail me for more information about our requested donation levels for the course of your choice. 

    I'm looking for just 10 intensely devoted clients/students who wish to take the Master Course on a monthly gift subscription basis. For these special '10', I'll offer a Special Access Donation Level that will not be available otherwise.

    So, reach out and save yourself a huge amount of time (literally years and decades) as well as tens of thousands of dollars from losses (that will likely occur without these courses or information), by contacting me today.

    I'll get right back to you. George

    Generations With No Sense Of History

    You Have To Know Where You've Been

    Before You Can Know Where You're Going!

    Actions have consequences. Schools have all but eliminated the study of History over the last few decades as well as Civics (the study of Government and how it works).

    The results or consequences of this action have been obvious to anyone who watches the News with wonder. People with no sense of what Past they are part of become 'Lost' with no sense of the Future, and, Chaos ensues.

    When It Comes To Market History We Need To Know That This Has All Happened Before!

    Cycles Exist. They Repeat. They have in the Past. They will in the Future.

    A trader's knowledge of the Past price actions of a Market can provide both information and assurance.

    Yes, that's right. There's a certain comfort in knowing that these patterns of Growth and Decline are a regular part of Nature's Laws.

    What We're Seeing Isn't 'New': It's Only 'New' To Those Who Are Too Young To Have Been Around For The Previous Cycles!

    W. D. Gann was insistent that a trader or investor should accumulate a history of their Market of interest going back many Decades (as many as possible), in order to better understand the actions and cycles of that Market.

    Above is a W. D. Gann May Soybean price chart from 1948.

    The price Cycle back then went Up and Down just as it does today and will always do.

    There aren't any traders around today who remember or who experienced this large move in Soybeans, but, a study of this price cycle and the many others which have occurred over the Decades following, (or preceding it), will reveal important 'Rules' to such price swings, (including, how to detect and be ready for the next one!).

    That, my friends, is the essence of what I did over the last Half-Century.

    I slowly accumulated, (these charts were rare and very hard to find back then), ancient price charts of all kinds that went as far back in time as I could locate and studied them in order to discover their 'secrets'.

    In addition to these historical collections, I personally experienced the next 50-years of market Cycles in Stocks and Commodities.

    I was there for the stock peaks in 1969, the Crash into the 1974 Stock Market super Lows, the super Bull Markets in Gold & Commodities in 1974 and 1980, and the Stock Market Low in 1982 and for all the rise up into the 1987 Stock Market High and Crash.

    From those Crash Lows, I followed the markets back up to the High Tech Stock Market top in 2000, the following drop into 2004, back to the highs in 2007 and the Global Financial Panic in 2008. Up and Down. Swings upwards and the following Declines.

    On wards to today. I've seen it all and I bear witness that Cycles exist and repeat over and over again. You don't have to believe in them, they Rule over us. We get no Vote.

    And, before me, came Mr. W. D. Gann. Mr. Gann did the same deep research and went back as far into price history as it existed for today's markets.

    Some of Gann's insights were written into a few courses along with subtle 'clues' about deeper mysteries that he had uncovered, learned and applied, BUT, didn't reveal.

    This was irresistible to me. I took the bait and pursued those unpublished 'Truths' of the Markets for the next 50-Years following my discovery of W. D. Gann and his work.

    This pursuit was fruitful. My accumulated discoveries, (made one-at-a-time over the decades), were assembled into a Collection which I called the 'Harrison-Gann Trade Secrets Master Course', or, the 'Master Course' for short.

    I only mention this for the sake of younger traders (which are most traders at my age:), as it may not have occurred to them that, though they are new to this planet, these markets have been here and active for far longer and have their own rhythm of action.

    You have an excellent alternative to the 'work hard and discover everything by myself' approach. Especially if you don't have 50-years or more to spare for the 'project'.

    The clever, mature-minded (disciplined) trader who desires to take both his understanding of the Markets and his trading skills to a much higher level in the shortest time possible, can save both time and money (from losses avoided), by enrolling in our Private 'Master Course' Program.

    This amazing collection of Specialized Trading Techniques, Wisdom and Insights into the markets (gathered over the last Half-Century), is now available in a Digital, Downloadable Format with Printing Privileges and may be accessed by a monthly subscription Gift over time or obtained all-at-once for a one-time Gift Donation.

    You can take a look under the Menu Tab 'More Course Info' (and select the Module information for more details) at the top of this webpage, then, simply E-mail me for more information about our requested donation levels for the time schedule over which you would like to receive the full Master Course. 

    I'm looking for just 10 intensely devoted clients/students who wish to take the Master Course on a monthly gift subscription basis. For these special '10', I'll offer a Special Access Donation Level that will not be available otherwise.

    So, reach out and save yourself a huge amount of time (literally years and decades) as well as tens of thousands of dollars from losses (that will occur without this course information), by contacting me today to become one of the '10' students I'm looking for.

    I'll get right back to you. George

    Using Inflation: A Very Profitable Path To The Future!

    Correctly Done, You Can Become Wealthy From Inflation

    As I've Mentioned Earlier, This Is The Cause Of The Inflation:

    Too much money being printed by the Federal Reserve Central Bank.

    I've Seen This All Before

    Now that you see what I'm writing about, do you have  the skills to act on this precious information?


    Well, that's the purpose of  this website and the Academy. Through diligent, long and arduous research over a 50-year period, we've accumulated and distilled out the very best of Market Timing Techniques available anywhere on the planet today.

    Yes, that's right. No one else can offer trading course techniques with the extreme depth of market understanding that we offer and provide such a variety of techniques based on Natural Law as we offer our private clients and students.

    Here's The Decision You Face: Are You Going To Let The Next Few Years Of Opportunity Slip Through Your Fingers?

    Whether you're a Short-term Trader or are an investor looking for long-term Opportunities like those shown above from the 1970's, (which we believe are being offered again today), we have a trading analysis technique, (all price-chart-based), that will fit your desired goals.

    All our techniques and trading methods are based on unchanging, Natural Law or Mathematical foundations, not fads or widely available trading 'tools' (which are all known to market insiders).

    Our Discoveries and Methods are PRIVATE and, we have a strict Non-Disclosure Agreement that will keep them private. We're not looking for the speculative masses who have no discipline and 'burn out' almost instantly.

    Our mission is to serve those disciplined Souls who have had enough' of the standard approaches to trading and investing and who, because of their maturity, are now ready to upgrade their trading toolbox to a much higher level with deeper insights than ever into how the Markets really work.

    You can take a look under the Menu Tab 'More Course Info' or 'Elite Trading Methods' at the top of this webpage to view some of our offerings or, simply E-mail me for more information. George