Tag Archives for " The Levitas Trading Principle "

Tracking Some Weekly Price Trends

​Let's Look at Some Weekly Trends

​The ​EUR/USD & QQQ Weekly Major Trends

Above Shows The Major Eur/Usd Weekly Price Trends

Stay with these Trends and you won't find yourself lost in the 'noise'.

​​Most traders get lost in the 'noise' of the intra-day and daily price movements.

When this happens, one can lose track of the larger 'picture'; that is, the longer-term Weekly & Monthly price trends.

​These longer-term trends have more 'momentum' or energy to continue the trend already in progress and should not be ignored by any trader in any market.

​The Below Chart Shows The Major Nasdaq Weekly Price Trends

​The above chart shows the stronger weekly price trends for the Nasdaq stock market index.

The last green up-sloping angle shows a sharp and strong up-trending price trend even on the weekly time frame.

These are not trends that one should bet against, even on the short-term as they will dominate the shorter time frame price action and will assert themselves ultimately re-aligning price action back into the trend direction that prevails at the weekly or monthly time level.

We have some excellent, unconventional ways of tracking the true market trends at the Daily, Weekly and Monthly time frames.

​You may have access to these proprietary techniques in a secured, downloadable format with print-out privileges for a special, lowered donation during the lock-down periods.

Contact me below for Special Access Price or for More Information.

Email: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com ​to learn how you can acquire some of the secret skills & knowledge of W.D. Gann and a deeper, fuller understanding of the markets & price behavior.

Gauging Market Strength

​W.D. Gann Recommended Using 2 Time Periods

​The Weekly & the Monthly Show the Major Trends

​Our ONLY Job is to Place Ourselves in the Direction of the Trend!

​​Stay with these Trends and you won't find yourself lost in the 'noise'.

​Developing and Supplying to traders techniques to do just that, has been my objective for these many years. I'm proud of our clients results from using these methods and find great satisfaction from this in itself.

During this new environment for traders of forced quarantine, we must remain clear-headed about what our True Objective is: To get in front of the next trending price movement.

I'm offering our best courses to traders during this special time period all in a secured, downloadable format at specially reduced price requested donation levels. I'd love to get them into YOUR hands, but, The Time To Act Is Now . . .


In particular, I'm offer our famous Harrison-Gann Trade Secrets Master Course to only TWO students/clients over the next 30 days for a Special Low Access Price. ONLY TWO will be allowed.

In particular, I'm offer our famous Harrison-Gann Trade Secrets Master Course to only TWO students/clients over the next 30 days for a Special Low Access Price. ONLY TWO will be allowed.

I cannot guarantee that this will be repeated, we'll just have to see as I have to make a time commitment to these two students for support during their studies and, time for this support is very limited.

​The Master Course can be obtained in installments if one wishes to extend out the payments, BUT, You need to secure your spot immediately IF YOU WANT THIS SPECIAL DEAL. Contact Me TODAY.

Email: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com ​to learn how you can acquire the skills and understanding of the 'Lines of Intention'.

Our True Objective In Trading

​Did You Think It Was Only About The Money?

​​Place Yourself in the Way of the Market Moves

​Our ONLY Job is to Place Ourselves in the Direction of the Trend!

​Lost over the years, weeks and months, the main objective of trading successfully is rarely spoken of except in the company of the big winners themselves. They understand this above concept well.

​For them, it's a vital part of the process of trading: One must anticipate where the large market players are going to shove the market as best one can.​

​No one is always going to be right in this process, but, it must be attempted to the best of one's abilities using the best tools they can find to get this job done.

​We're trying to find a Balance Point where one trend is ending and a new one in the opposite direction is beginning.

​If we can get in early enough and are correct in calling the direction of the new trend, we can use the truly large player's momentum to propel us towards a profitable outcome.

​The Results of this process can be either positive or negative, that is not as important as the consistency of our application of the analysis process.

​This is why we need to apply techniques that deliver signals with a high probability of success.

​Developing and Supplying to traders, just such techniques, has been my objective for these many years. I'm proud of our clients results from using these methods and find great satisfaction from this in itself.

During this new environment for traders of forced quarantine, we must remain clear-headed about what our True Objective is: To get in front of the next trending price movement.

I'm offering our best courses to traders during this special time period all in a secured, downloadable format at specially reduced price requested donation levels. I'd love to get them into YOUR hands, but, The Time To Act Is Now . . .


In particular, I'm offer our famous Harrison-Gann Trade Secrets Master Course to only TWO students/clients over the next 30 days for a Special Low Access Price. ONLY TWO will be allowed.

In particular, I'm offer our famous Harrison-Gann Trade Secrets Master Course to only TWO students/clients over the next 30 days for a Special Low Access Price. ONLY TWO will be allowed.

I cannot guarantee that this will be repeated, we'll just have to see as I have to make a time commitment to these two students for support during their studies and, time for this support is very limited.

​The Master Course can be obtained in installments if one wishes to extend out the payments, BUT, You need to secure your spot immediately IF YOU WANT THIS SPECIAL DEAL. Contact Me TODAY.

Email: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com ​to learn how you can acquire the skills and understanding of the 'Lines of Intention'.

Don’t Settle for ‘Lucky’ Trades

​Give Yourself 'Structured Guidance' to Win . . .

​How To Give Some ORDER To The Markets

​Structure Your Time. Let the Markets Meet YOUR Goals!

After Decades of observation, I've come to the reluctant, but verified, conclusion that most traders, like most people, have no PLAN or, don't really know what they want to achieve from their Trading or their Lives.

Maybe this is a good time for some self-examination. Are you in it just for the occasional thrill of a 'lucky' win?

If so, then, why not go for More??

​Much, much More.

Most of us have been 'trained', (I'd rather use the word 'brainwashed' here), by the Markets to take what it gives us and to be grateful for an occasional profit 'crumb' now and again.

But, there is another way. A more 'business-like' way to conduct ourselves relative to our participation in the markets.

​A way more suited for the chaotic times we now find ourselves in.

This approach is addressed in the first portion of our 'Excalibur Trading Method' Course where we explore the concept of 'Lines of Intention', what they are and how they work when it comes to trading in any Market.

We've entered times when this little-known, and, even less practiced Knowledge is going to be critical to surviving and prospering like never before.

I've decided to release 'Excalibur' in a digital format just so that those of you who aren't aware of this approach to Structured Trading Goals can again have access to it.

The first portion of the 'Excalibur' Method Course provides a new insight into Money Management; the 'Line of Intention' Concept.

​This one concept will open the eyes of most readers to entirely new possibilities and a superior measure of 'control' when it comes to their trading going forwards into the future.

This structured 'Line of Intention' approach can change everything about trading for you and bring a new clarity about just 'what you're doing in the markets', and, when, they tell you to leave the trade.

You'll KNOW why your in, and, you'll KNOW why to get out.

​And, You'll Set the Parameters!

Downloadable - Same-day Access - Lower Cost than ever before!

Email: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com ​to learn how you can acquire the skills and understanding of the 'Lines of Intention'.

Crude Oil Down Swing Ahead?

​There Are Increasing Signs of Weakness . . .

​Watch This Price Zone For Your Warning!

​​Crude Oil price charts have given off certain signals that a sharp price move is immanent. Expect it this coming Week.

​Pay close attention to ​Crude Oil this week. There are signs, strong signs that a significant price move is coming and, if prices weaken into the red rectangle zone shown on the above chart, that price movement is strongly favoring the downside. - George

Email: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com for more information about how you can apply our powerful trading ​package of proprietary trading techniques ... ​

Gold & Silver: What’s The Trend Reality?

​Is The Present Uptrend Something 'New'?

​Let History Be Your Guide!

​Everyone's excited by the recent rise in Gold & Silver, but, should they be?

Not if they took a Professional approach to trading and were acquainted with the Seasonal characteristic movements of Gold & Silver prices.

These can be seen using Seasonal Charts which bring together the past price performance during the calendar year averaged over a good long time period in order to filter out the odd, non-seasonal years.

Above is an example of a Seasonal Gold Price chart. What do we see?

We find that Gold has a tendency (over a 40-Year period!) to rise starting in March and April of the Year and to keep that general price direction until September or October of the Year.

So, what did we see happen with Gold prices this Year?

​If you look at the price chart for GOLD at the top of this post, you'll see that the price bottom for this present upsurge started in March. This is EXACTLY what one could have expected based on past History of gold prices and it's behavior over a very long time period.

​If prices have been acting 'Normal', that is, in accordance with their past Seasonal behavior, then, it's a rational position (not an emotional one) to expect prices to continue to act as they have in the past going forward into the immediate future.

So, don't be surprised by the rising prices. It's normal, the only difference this time is that the Normal pattern of Seasonal price behavior is happening at higher price levels. But, the Principle is what matters here, and, if you study the Seasonal chart above for Gold & Silver, you're not going to be caught up in the emotional aspects of this trade which the media indulges in every day.

​Pay attention to when this normal price rise comes to an end; late September, early October. Don't get swept up into buying into this expected peak price period in those months and, you'll save yourself a lot of grief and money. - George

Email: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com for more information about how you can apply our powerful trading ​package of proprietary trading techniques ​​in conjunction with Seasonal price trends to really ramp up your profit-to-loss expectations.. ​

Triple Convergence Areas

​Find A 3-Point Trend Signal Convergence

​Use Our 3-Course Powerful Trading Package!!!

The above chart is what happens when you use the 3-Powerful Trading Analysis Tools: 'MMT', Intra-day Solar and Levitas Principle Methods and find where they all AGREE as to an impending change in Trend.

​In the same way that one can increase the accuracy of a location by using not 1 or 2, but, 3 points of Reference., one can use these techniques to improve one's probability of success of joining in on the really BIG price trends moves.

​Take a look at our SPECIAL 3-Course Package offering in the post below. Don't miss out as it's a LIMITED offering.

Email: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com for more information about how you can apply this powerful trading ​package of proprietary trading techniques ​to these exciting times we're entering. ​

Now Available: A Triple Trading Treasure

Limited Special . . . All 3 Courses: One Low Cost!

Early Warning of Coming Shifts in Market Trends

​An Incredibly Powerful Trading Package!!!

Unsolicited Testimonial from a
'Market Maker's Trigger' Trader:

"I received the 'MMT' manual, and it is excellent, like always. The hidden order which only you can understand because of your years of hard work."  - A.S.

​I​ consider the '​'Market Maker's Trigger' to be an important guide in my own personal market analysis and combine it with my other trading methods to confirm and 'lock-in' the certainty of an impending shift in price trend.​

Unsolicited Testimonial from a
'Levitas Principle' Trader:

"Thanks for giving this great opportunity of learning the Levitas Trading Method. I found Levitas to be one of the most powerful trading methods; easy to apply and with great precision. I found it's accuracy to be more than 95%. . . ." S.K. (About ''The Levitas Trading Principle')

​"The ​Levitas Trading Principle' provides a universal analytical charting tool that transcends markets and time frames, providing an insight into important trend changing points, and, important STOP placement prices for intra-day, daily, weekly and longer-term positions.

​Unsolicited Testimonial from a
'Intra-day Solar Trader' Trader:

"Hi George, So its been very interesting to trade using this method and so far, i got 13 wins and only two losses, which is a clear proof that this actually works.
. . . I just have to say that i am so impressed and things are working perfectly and i just keep asking my self, is this luck? or this is how it is?" - N.A. (About the 'Intra-day Solar Trader' Course).

​Our ​'Intra-day Solar Trader' Course is our premium day trading choice for the active trader today. This technique is based on unchanging Universal Laws that don't bend to the times and swings of the markets. This was derived from our Half-Century of Research on the works of W.D. Gann, the Legendary Super Trader of the 20th Century.

"Hi George, So its been very interesting to trade using this method and so far, i got 13 wins and only two losses, which is a clear proof that this actually works.
. . . I just have to say that i am so impressed and things are working perfectly and i just keep asking my self, is this luck? or this is how it is?" - N.A. (About the 'Intra-day Solar Trader' Course).

Email: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com for more information about how you can apply this powerful trading ​package of proprietary trading techniques ​to these exciting times we're entering. ​

‘MMT’: The Trader’s Early Warning System

​'MMT' . . . 'The Market Maker's Trigger' Warning

​The 'Market Maker's Trigger' or 'MMT' Technique, â€‹â€‹is now available to all members of ​'The Inner Circle of 12' ,(and, available separately, ​to all other students and clients).​

This essential analysis tool can actually tip a trader off to an impending change of trend, which is usually confirmed by rapidly moving prices.

​Just think for a moment about how valuable that information could be to you as a trader in any market!

If you'd like to have access to this additional analysis tool to use to give early warning of a dramatic shift in trending markets, you can have access to the process for a low donation request. Write me. - George

"I received the MMT manual, and it is excellent, like always. The hidden order which only you can understand because of your years of hard work."  - A.S.

Email: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com for more information about how you can apply our powerful trading techniques ​to these exciting times we're entering. ​

A New Member Added To The Family!

Our 'Inner Circle of 12' Collection Now Includes

'MMT' . . . The Market Maker's Trigger'

The 'Market Maker's Trigger' or 'MMT' Technique, is now available to all members of 'The Inner Circle of 12' ,(and, available separately, to all other students and clients).

If you'd like to have access to this additional analysis tool to use to give early warning of a dramatic shift in trending markets, you can have access to the process for a low donation request. Write me. - George

"I received the MMT manual, and it is excellent, like always. The hidden order which only you can understand because of your years of hard work."  - A.S.

Email: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com for more information about how you can apply our powerful trading techniques to these exciting times we're entering.

NEW! ‘The Market Maker’s Trigger’ Course

A Valuable Insight Into Large Trend Changes

'MMT' . . . The Market Maker's Trigger'

The Market Maker's Reveal Themselves

Is A Change of Trend In The Wind?

In this new course we explore a special price chart signal . . .

. . . a signal that virtually all public traders either ignore or misread.

. . . However, the Market Maker's are all-to-well acquainted with this event and have to respond to it by creating large price range swings.

These price swings in turn generally define the major trend changes for whatever time period the price chart is following.

We can actually use this signal to be forewarned of an impending large price swing resuming the current trend or reversing the trend.

"I consider 'MMT' to be an important guide in my own personal analysis and combine it with my other trading methods to confirm and 'lock-in' the certainty of an impending shift in price trend." - George H

The 'Market Maker's Trigger' or 'MMT' Technique, was first made available to members of the 'Inner Circle of 12' ,and, is now available, to all other students and clients.

If you'd like to have access to this additional analysis tool to use to give early warning of a dramatic shift in trending markets, you can have access to the process for a low donation request. Write me. - George

Email: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com for more information about how you can apply our powerful trading techniques to these exciting times we're entering.

A Sensitive Price Point For Stocks

​Not All Price Points Are The Same!

"​​The Trend Is Your Friend 'Til It Ends . . ."

​The Market Maker's Are Positioning Themselves

​Is A Change In Stock Trends In The Wind?

​Carefully Watch To See If Prices Drop Below This Level . . .

​Many stock indexes are showing the same pattern at present and, it's an important one.

There is a 'drying up' or a 'pause' in new BUY orders entering the market. Our challenge is to watch closely and determine which of the two is in play.

​A 'pause' implies that the trend may continue upwards while a 'drying up' of BUY orders is something else more dire and indicates that SELL orders will dominate and that prices may slide dramatically downwards.

​Watch the price area indicated on the chart above.

If prices close below this price area, then the choice will be narrowed down to that of 'BUY orders have dried up' and, a steep down trend is likely forthcoming.

If prices close above the highest price of the last 3-days, then the choice will be narrowed down to that of 'This was only a pause in the price action' and, a steep upswing in prices is likely forthcoming.

In addition to this analysis technique which I call The Market Maker's Trigger' or 'MMT' Technique, one should engage one or two other methods to pinpoint and confirm something as important as a change in price trend.

​The 'Market Maker's Trigger' or 'MMT' Technique, â€‹will be made available for some traders shortly, that is, in a few day's time, but, until then consider the following prime trading techniques as it's close profit allies . . .

​I'd like to recommend our 'Levitas Trading Principle' as the method to use to follow, enter and exit from trending markets. Right now, you can have access to BOTH this longer-term trading method as well as our excellent Day Trading Technique called the 'Intra-day Solar Trader'. These are being offered as a SET for an unprecedented low donation request to help out our clients and students during this global shutdown period. Write me. You won't be disappointed. - George

Email: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com for more information about how you can apply our powerful trading techniques ​to these exciting times we're entering. The Principles these techniques are based upon won't ever change and no market manipulators can 'outwit' the Laws of Nature. Now, that's a comforting thought isn't it?

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