Tag Archives for " trading for a living "

Election Year Cycles for the Stock Market



Building upon our previous post, we find further evidence that shifts probabilities for a strong Stock Market Rally in our favor with the examination of a historical cycle for the stock market during Election Years like this one.

The Election Year chart at the top of this article is founded on 116-Years of data!

This shouldn't be treated lightly, but, always remember that all cycles break at some point in time and, that's why we use more than once corroborating historical base and method to confirm and follow these trends.

Be More Informed and Less Fearful of the Future

Knowing the Historical Cycles and repetitive themes of the markets can have a calming effect overall when one is contemplating the markets.

This will put you in a truly small group of those investors who can calmly assess and react to the market while ignoring the panic headlines and crowd mentality.

Most will indeed be 'surprised' by a strong Market going towards the elections.

Trends are powerful things and, the ability to get on board a rising or falling trend is where the big returns are historically. We have the tools and educational materials that will instruct you on how to detect these potentially profitable points in time early.

Our Proprietary half-century of research is now available to a few private clients.

You can gain access to our Excellent Trading Courses or our Master Course Collection today.

We're allowing Limited Access to these private discoveries through our Special Gift Program.

The 'Master Course' Special Gift Installment Program

As stated on our HOME PAGE, we've now cleared access for up to two new client/students each month for our Master Course Collection at a very special gift request level.

Here's What You'll Receive With Our Special Gift Program

This Special Gift Program will allow you to receive the courses either all-at-once or on an installment gift basis (if you wish to assimilate the information over a longer period of time).

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Contact me at the e-mail address below and get started today. - George

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The Market’s REAL October Surprise



The Media is generally the enemy of the individual, independent investor.

They can't help it as they're sponsored by big institutions who have their own profit agendas in the markets.

Institutional Sellers must create more Buyers at still lower prices and as Buyers must create a large number of Sellers in order to take profits off-the-table at intervals and to increase the inventory of shares available for purchase.

They do this by manipulating perceptions using the Media as one tool for example.

By creating alarm and fear of 'impending' crashes in the market, the insiders can create more liquidity by tricking owners of stock to let go of their shares out of fear, only to have those shares scooped up by the big Buyers who then drive the Stock Market up to new higher highs.

We're presently seeing this very action taking place disguised by all the other distractions of the day (pandemics, elections, etc.)

The Market Magicians Are Trying To Distract You

The current price chart shown above shows that we've ALREADY started the upswing that usually takes place at the end of October historically.

This means that we currently have a Market that is ahead of schedule but, still on course to follow it's normal upwards swing for the end of the year.

So, how do you make use of this Seasonal information as a guide to the future?

Essentially, you simply note that, over a 30-year period, stock prices have followed the general tendency to Fall from Summer into October, then, rise from that point forwards into the New Year.

Then, note what price action has been in the market and see if the trends match up closely.

Seasonal charts are 'guidelines' or averages, so, the timing may be a little early or slightly later without altering the general trend expected.

In the case of  this year, the Market has been so strong that the uptrend actually started in September instead of October.

Further confirmation will be achieved when prices take out on a Closing basis the Highs of September.

Most will indeed be 'surprised' by a strong Market going towards the elections. The Press is certainly rooting for a crash in the economy, but, when was the last time they've been proven right on anything?'

Further confirmation for what to expect. Go Opposite the Media's stance.

Trends are powerful things and, the ability to get on board a rising or falling trend is where the big returns are historically. We have the tools and educational materials that will instruct you on how to detect these potentially profitable points in time early.

Our Proprietary half-century of research is now available to a few private clients.

You can gain access to our Excellent Trading Courses or our Master Course Collection today.

We're allowing Limited Access to these private discoveries through our Special Donation Program.

The 'Master Course' Special Donation Installment Program

As stated on our HOME PAGE, we've now cleared access for up to two new client/students each month for our Master Course Collection at a very special donation request level.

Here's What You'll Receive With Our Special Donation Program

This Special Donation Program will allow you to receive the courses either all-at-once or on an installment donation basis (if you wish to assimilate the information over a longer period of time).

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Contact me at the e-mail address below and get started today. - George

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The Stock Market Rebounds


Well, we should be used to it by now. Again, the Market has outwitted the experts.

Just when you think that it's down . . . It comes roaring back up one more time.

Using the Dow Chart above and one of our proprietary trading indicators (Excalibur I, part of our 'Master Course' Collection), we see that prices, even during their decline, failed to go through and close below our indicated Support Price Angle Line.

Here again, the public was lead to worry instead of being taught to use the momentum of actual Price History to come to conclusions about the strength or weakness of the Stock Market in general.

By learning this Powerful Trading Technique, you would have had an EARLY warning of just which price area to watch particularly closely as well as, what to watch for!

The DJIA remains strong and has re-bounded upwards from a strengthening support price level.

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Depend on Dependable Indicators

Dependable Indicators that lie outside the public and popular domain are our specialty discoveries. The Pros know where the public has it's orders and which indicators they're using.

Our Indicators are unknown to the Pros and aren't used by the Public at all. 

Want to learn how you can also find KEY trading pivot points like that shown above for your favorite Markets?

You can gain access to our Excellent Trading Courses or our Master Course Collection today.

We're allowing Limited Access to these private discoveries through our Special Donation Program.

The 'Master Course' Special Donation Program

As stated on our HOME PAGE, we've now cleared access for up to two new client/students for our Master Course Collection at a very special donation request level.

Here's What You'll Receive With Our Special Donation Program

This Special Donation Program will allow you to receive the courses either all-at-once or on an installment donation basis (if you wish to assimilate the information over a longer period of time).

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Contact me at the e-mail address below and get started today. - George

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The Major Stock Index Trends To Consider

As the above chart shows and our previous post indicated, the S&P 500 is still in it's uptrend even after taking a slight dip), when looking at the Stronger Weekly Price Trends. Price remains strongly above the red support line on the chart.

The Russell 2000 gives us a much broader look at the health of the Stock Market. This Market is staying well above it's red support line meaning that the overall stronger price trend is still upwards.


The Nasdaq 100 represents the Tech Stock arena which has been the hottest of the 3 markets as 

reported by us in a previous posting.

Of the 3 markets shown on the charts above, only the Nasdaq 100 is the weaker, presently resting on it's red support line. This may be the one market which breaks even while the others remain strong for the present.

Use these charts to build your confidence and to change your mindset to a positive one based on this reality which the price charts present to us. The effects of doing so will be beneficial to you.


Imagine Winning, It's more Important than you know!

Everything begins with Imagination. You must hold the image of the Goal already achieved! Practice this without fail and you'll be most amazed and pleased.

Want to learn how you can also find these KEY trading pivot points in the Markets?

You'll find the courses you'll need in our 'Getting Back To Trading' Special Offer.


Contact me at the e-mail address below to get started. - Excellent Trading. - George

Is The Worst ALREADY Over?


  We're ALREADY In An Upswing From the Liquidity Lows!

Public Perceptions Lag the Reality. The Drought is Probably Over Already!

The Global Financial Panic of 2008 was nasty. It took many years to recover from it.

However, recover we did.

Here's the Great News; Our Angle of Recovery Now is Even Faster than 2008.

If you'll examine the chart above on the stock market's liquidity, you'll see that we've already upsurged from the lowest low in liquidity since the 2008 Panic. And, rapidly at that.

Money is coming back into the Markets in a big way now. This is a fundamental condition that underlies the actual prices we see in the Markets.

The market may still swing down (and, has these last weeks), especially going into the months of September & October, but, the true underlying condition of the Market is better indicated by looking at the actual liquidity of the Markets. Whether money is going into or out of the Market overall.

Look at the chart and change your mindset to a positive one based on this reality and not negative fake 'news'. The effects of doing so are only beneficial to you.

      Stay Upbeat and Positive Mentally and Spiritually!

Visualize Financial Victory!

Everything begins with Imagination. You must hold the image of the Goal already achieved!

You may also take part in this 'Getting Back To Trading' Special Offer.


Contact me at the e-mail address below to get started. - Excellent Trading. - George

PREPARE FOR BATTLE!: Supplement or Replace Your Income Thru Trading


  The Last 8-Months Were A Warning.

What Follows Are Choices That Only You Can Make.

Hello Friends, Traders, Students and Investors, 

I hope that you are doing well and that you've conquered the slowdowns and lock-downs.

As many of you have written me recently expressing interest in either the 'Intra-day Solar Trader' Day-trading Course, our New "MMT" : The Market Maker's Trigger' Course, or, our wonderful 'Levitas Principle' Trading Course, I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you about . . .

. . . Our New 'Getting Back To Trading' Special Offer.

More than ever, traders are realizing & expressing that they've 'had enough' of the recent changes in the business environment and want to focus even more attention on trading as a means to supplement or replace  their other previous methods of income.

There are serious reasons to consider this as a possibility.

You know that excellent trading discipline and exceptional trading tools are both necessary elements to this income supplement and/or replacement goal being met.

Let's be honest with each other, the lock-down has made most of us a bit more cautious and hesitant to act, (even in our own best interests), these past several months. We've held back and observed the action to try to discern just which way the wind was blowing relative to the Economy.

Well, I think most of us have now come to TWO SOLID conclusions and, those are that:

(A) Markets Will Continue to Trade, provide Large Potential Profits, remain RESPONSIVE and UNRESTRICTED, while,

(B) Regular Businesses will be slower to respond and recover due to government Restrictions & Over-Regulation.

Those are the Realities of Life that self-aware traders and investors are now becoming more aware of.

Therefore, NOW IS THE TIME, for the newly enlightened among you, to acquire (or improve) the Trading & Investing Skills needed to be able to take advantage of the DAILY profit potential that the Markets are now offering.

I'll be contacting a few of you privately that still don't have our latest trading techniques), with a very special 'Getting Back To Trading' Offer that will enable you to arm yourself for the trading battles ahead.

Make no mistake; you still have to act smarter and faster than the average trader in order to pull ahead.

      Stay Upbeat and Positive Mentally and Spiritually!

Visualize Financial Victory!

Everything begins with Imagination. You must hold the image of the Goal already achieved!

The Reality is that the potential Rewards from Trading are greater than ever before, and, have actually increased  their potential profitability due to the forced shut-downs of normal businesses. 

As these businesses come back online, there will be increased demand for both Commodities & manufactured goods (increasing Stock values). This means volatility and great profit potential are ahead on the other side of this recent unpleasantness.

Look how well the online businesses like Amazon did during the 'shutdown'! They grew stronger than ever and their stock prices skyrocketed.

For those who don't receive my private e-mail, you may also take part in this 'Getting Back To Trading' Special Offer.


Contact me at the e-mail address below to get started. - Excellent Trading. - George

Trading For A Living . . .

Taking the Safer Road to Profits & Stability

commodityprofitpotentialAn understanding of History would suggest that today’s chaotic, financial markets, which have created the crises we’re seeing, should not be the parties to which we give our trust and finances in hope that they’ll provide the solutions to fix what they broke originally.

The Truth, it is said, will set one free. In our case, what we’re seeking is a truth that will set us free from dangerous illusions as to where safe investments may be made during the current unsettling times.

The Truth is, that today’s ‘pseudo-economy’ has strayed so far from ‘Real’ Markets now, that a whole generation of traders and investors are completely unaware of the sane pathway back to Reality-based Markets.

Today’s generation of traders have no frame of reference as to what may be accomplished in a hard-to-manipulate, non-cheating market arena. Stability of results and of the markets themselves are the Goal and, this does exist in today’s world. We should seek out such an arena as a haven for both safety and safer opportunities.

Why? Because . . .

  • In a World where bonds want to charge you, not pay you for purchasing and holding them,
  • In a World where banks want you to pay them to give them your money,
  • In financial markets where high frequency traders can create fictional orders to trigger stops and pull those orders without any legal consequences,
  • and, in an environment where no banks, exchanges or wall street firms suffer any legal impediment from illegal actions (barring fines that are magnitudes less than their illegal gains),

We need to seek a fairer arena where we have a better edge built into the structure itself. Just what is that arena you may ask?

My answer is a market place that has been around since the 1840’s, still with us today and which is the basis for how we all live: The Commodity Markets.

Food. Soft Goods (like Cotton, Cocoa, Coffee and Sugar and more). These largely ignored real markets are not HFT (high-frequency trading) friendly due to their lower volume (they have no place to hide their front-running schemes).

That’s extremely good news for us. Instead of constant danger from these micro-second, front-running predators, the Commodity markets are still based upon Supply & Demand. Translated, that means real buyers and sellers and not the illusions peddled in the financial realms (whisps of fictional electronic orders which hit stops, or, valueless, unbacked paper touted as real).

This very Supply & Demand makes these markets less attached to false valuation because Seasonal Trends hold sway in Commodities.  ‘Seed Time and Harvest’ still apply annually and they always will.

Yes, weather and rainfall cycles, of course, are a variable, but, these markets are very well suited to our own methods of analysis and investing in even one of these commodity markets at the right time in their cycle can provide an excellent yearly income or supplement.

This is Good News for investors today, especially in a world largely confused as to what direction to invest in next.

The chart at the top of this article shows a recent, very small example using the Cotton market as our focus.

But, here’s even Greater News; These markets can provide several such large, profit-making opportunities EVERY YEAR!

And, one doesn’t have to trade commodity futures to participate in these repeating trends either. ETFs and options on ETFs are available for most major commodities now and, are priced low enough so that most can participate.

We’ll be looking at some of these markets and their recent opportunities in the days and weeks ahead. Be prepared to be pleasantly shocked as to what massive potential is available that so many are unaware of – George

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