Tag Archives for " trading the S&P 500 "

Using Price Charts To Predict Wars . . .

​By G.R. Harrison, Copyright 2018

​Some Markets can ​reveal the potential for political events like wars when viewed in the light of previous price behavior at certain price levels.

​In the case of the present Middle East tensions, we'll examine Brent Crude Oil and Gold to see if prices are at sensitive levels or not.

​For Brent Crude Oil we find that we're at a critical RESISTANCE pivot area not only on the Daily Chart, but, also relative to the strong Monthly price chart as well.

Should prices rise above the horizontal bar shown on the charts above, then, it's likely to indicate that conditions have reached or breached a 'war-level'.

​It's always wise to bring in more than just one indicator when trying to judge the political conditions that are existent at any time.

In this case, the international significance of Gold to Middle-Eastern interests, warrants that we check out it's price position at this present time as well.

Looking at our Gold chart above, we see that Gold also is at previous Highs and a Resistance Level. It would take very little to have it break above these price levels and, that, would likely indicate an escalation of war activities or preparations.

The fact that both of these international commodities are poised at these sensitive points in their price history as well as the fact that we're entering into the beginning of a repeat of the World War II cycle (as described in our 'It's About Time' Course Set) lends to the importance of controlling the tensions that are presently in play. 

It will take cool heads to De-pressurize present events.

The indication of a lowering of tensions will be if prices for Brent Crude Oil or Gold decline below the red horizontal line below their present price level. That would indicate a subtraction of international tension is taking place. - George

​NOTE: Due to the great importance of the Time Period just ahead, I'm offering an abbreviated publication of the Time Vibration Chart from my 'It's About Time' Course Set at a greatly reduced price. This will help one to locate highly likely repetition points for past events going forward into the future. Contact me via e-mail if interested. - George

It’s ‘Spring Training Season’ for our Special ‘Master Course’ Collection

The ​best vote for the 'real-world' authenticity of our trading methods come from the very clients who use them in the markets themselves.

​There are an excellent choice of courses and methods available. ​These techniques will fit any trader's style of trading; from intraday to long-term investors.

​It' s 'Spring Training Season'

​I'm presently offering a SPECIAL 'Spring Training Season' for our 'Master Course Collection'.

​Have you been ​wanting to participate in learning ​our 'Master Course' Techniques?

​This ​may be the very moment you've been waiting for!

E-mail me today for details and our Spring Season offering price.

I expect to CLOSE DOWN ANY FURTHER OFFERING for the remainder of this Year. This will occur after the next few clients are accepted for the Master Course. - George

Crude Oil Signals & The Levitas Trading Principle

The Market itself can show you just when it has 'changed it's mind' about Trend & Price.

If you have access to the interpretation KEYS (like those revealed in 'The Levitas Trading Principle') then, you'll find profit opportunities like those shown recently in the Brent Crude Oil Market and illustrated on the above price chart. Three Potentially, super-successful trades gathering first $4,000, plus another $4,000 trade along with the present, still open trade that has already accumulated another $2,000 (and counting!). 

That's a potential $10,000 USD PER CONTRACT in just the last 2 Month's time!

​If you've been wandering in the Market Wilderness for years searching for some real market insight to light your way, then, you've arrived at the end of that particular rainbow and this is the pot-of-Gold you were looking for.

                             Introducing . . .

         'The Levitas Trading Principle',

  Our Newest, Highest-Rated Trading Course

​                                      CLICK THE ABOVE IMAGE TO ​LEARN MORE.

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Only 2 Major Money Trends: The US Dollar and . . .

​​All The Others!

By George R. Harrison

​Basically, since the start of 2017 there have been only two trends in the Currency Markets.

​There's been the declining US Dollar trend which continues to this day and the rising value of all the other major currencies as the counterpart.

T​here's a lot of sound and fury out there with some rooting for the decline of the Dollar as being important globally,

W​ell, with that being true long-term, in the short-term a weakened Dollar will actually boost the US Economy not weaken it.

​Exports become less costly for the US and more expensive to purchase from other countries than before.

​Plus, investments like the Stock Market become even better deals as the base dollar depreciates and money flows from more expensive currencies to products denominated in a less expensive one (where more can be purchased than before).

While we speculate in this space about the short-term counter-trend moves a good deal, it's important to always keep the big picture major trends in view in order to place current events in the right perspective.​​

​The Euro chart above is used as representative of most of the major currencies which, on their own, are experiencing rising trends in their currency values relative to the US Dollar.

NOTE: Those of you who are sincerely interested in taking in some of​ our uniquely accurate trading methods and courses offered on this website ONLY should e-mail me HERE. for further details, catalog & price information. - George

Revisiting Our Special Stock Market Angles of Support Chart . . .

     The Present Angle of Support for the S&P 500 is ​Still Holding!

     ​A Super Strong Market - A Super Steep Angle of Support

Note How Each Market Rally Since 1982 Has Been At Increasing Angles of Support

By George R. Harrison

The Chart you're looking at now is basically one-of-a-kind. I showed it for the first time back in April of 2017.

What most investors and traders aren't aware of is how much market trends depend on the energy contained within an angle of support and how important those angles are to determining how strong or weak a trend has become.

To better confirm just where the US S&P 500 Stock Index is in it's present trend, I've taken all the big trends since 1982 and shown their relative angles on this single chart.

What appears when we do this is a chronicle of rally-after-rally gaining strength and momentum over the one preceding and, therefore, having prices rise faster and faster.

​I mentioned in my earlier post in April that this is​ an unsustainable process as it eventually will come up against the laws of Geometry and Physics as we approach a 90-degree vertical support line.

If you'll take a moment to view the support angles shown on the graphic above, you'll see the rising angles. The red-lined angle is our present S&P 500 Market move. It's extremely fast and steep.

​An angle that's this steep that runs for this length of time needs massive amounts of Energy (Money) to sustain itself. 

Declines, when they inevitably come, also tend to be steeper and faster as well. Meaning that the fall from this high angle of support could be dizzying and faster than those preceding it in all likelihood.

The Bottom Line is this: The Stock Market Boom at present may continue further, but, will very likely reverse severely when it does break because of it's very steep angle of support.

It takes a lot of buying power to sustain an angle of support this steep and, usually, the buying becomes exhausted suddenly. ​Previous attempts to break this support line have all failed and Reason no longer can be used to justify the strong market moves we're seeing. Therefore, we must rely on Mathematics & Geometry to give us fair and accurate notice of any reversals - George

REMEMBER: This is just the balancing side of the yin-yang movement of markets and a natural occurrence. Nothing to fear here, just caution to exercise. Those who know that and have no fear of this normal process can also profit from it. Handsomely.

So, look at the markets in an opportunistic way and be ready for the trend shifts that naturally occur. Be ready to profit from both sides of trading; The Long side AND the Short side. - George

Those of you who are sincerely interested in taking in some of the courses offered should e-mail me HERE.

Stock Market Angles of Support . . .

      Present Angle of Support for the S&P 500 is Unsustainable

      Watch This Market Closely

Note How Each Market Rally Since 1982 Has Been At Increasing Angles of Support

By George R. Harrison

The Chart you're looking at now is basically one-of-a-kind.

What most investors and traders aren't aware of is how much market trends depend on the energy contained within an angle of support and how important those angles are to determining how strong or weak a trend has become.

To better confirm just where the US S&P 500 Stock Index is in it's present trend, I've taken all the big trends since 1982 and shown their relative angles on this single chart.

What appears when we do this is a chronicle of rally-after-rally gaining strength and momentum over the one preceding and, therefore, having prices rise faster and faster.

This is, however, an unsustainable process eventually as we come up against the laws of Geometry and Physics as we approach a 90-degree vertical support line.

If you'll take a moment to view the support angles shown on the graphic above, you'll see the rising angles. The red-lined angle is our present S&P 500 Market move. It's extremely fast and steep.

Declines, when they inevitably come, also tend to be steeper and faster as well. Meaning that the fall from this high angle of support could be dizzying and faster than those preceding it in all likelihood.

The Bottom Line is this: The Stock Market Boom at present may continue further, but, will very likely reverse severely when it does break because of it's very steep angle of support. It takes a lot of buying power to sustain an angle of support this steep and, usually, the buying becomes exhausted suddenly. Present weakness in this market has been noted in my earlier post on April 19th, so, keep that as well as this new information in mind while closely watching price developments. - George

REMEMBER: This is just the balancing side of the yin-yang movement of markets and a natural occurrence. Nothing to fear here, just caution to exercise. Those who know that and have no fear of this normal process can also profit from it. Handsomely.

So, look at the markets in an opportunistic way and be ready for the trend shifts that naturally occur. Be ready to profit from both sides of trading; The Long side AND the Short side. - George

Those of you who are sincerely interested in taking in some of the courses offered should e-mail HERE.

The S&P 500 Uptrend Weakens . . .

      US Stock Market Momentum is Faltering

      Is This A Pause, Or a Turn In Trend?

This Market Is Starting To Look Like Other International Sell-offs in Stocks

By George R. Harrison

We now turn our gaze towards the US Stock Market as represented by the S&P 500 Index.

What we find is a reflection of what has already happened in some of the international stock markets; a slowdown in price trend momentum is taking place in the US Stock Market just as it has in the British Stock Market which we noted in our earlier post this week.

What's been noted using our techniques is that there is less strength on the upswings and weaker support on the pull-backs in price according to analysis using The Excalibur Method.

'Excalibur' indicates that we need to be aware of any closes below 2300 in the S&P 500 as indicating a very high probability of lower prices and a shift in price trend lasting months.

The chart displayed shows the price point to watch (the red horizontal price line at 2300).

This is yet another example of what can be done once one has learned just one of the unique tools offered on this website ('The Excalibur Trading Method'), If you're interested in acquiring a licensed copy of 'Excalibur' or one of my other courses for your own use, send me an e-mail - George

Those of you who are sincerely interested in taking in some of the courses offered should e-mail me HERE. - George