Tag Archives for " Fibonacci trading methods "

The Natural Gas Market

            Plus The 'Cross-Hairs' Timing Technique                                  Equals: Profit Opportunity!

​A Recent ​Natural Gas Trade Opportunity . . .

​NOTE: All charts are for illustrative purposes only. They show where trading signals would theoretically occur using a particular trading method. These are hypothetical trades only that show timing potential for each method for comparative purposes and are shown for their educational content only and not as advisories or recommendations.

'Rome Wasn't Built in a Day' and, neither can your Trading Education.​

Support Our Research & Publication Work

​Through your GR Harrison Private Trading Academy Gifts.

Learn More, Click Here . . . 

​​Get started on your Road to Success Today!

​*** All Course & Research access is possible now only  through your generous gift contributions. Send for our Private Trading Academy Contribution Gift Levels Catalog today.

Write a private email to: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com​

A Bitcoin Bonanza: Short-term Profits

​A Recent Bitcoin Trade Opportunity . . .

​NOTE: All charts are for illustrative purposes only. They show where trading signals would theoretically occur using a particular trading method. These are hypothetical trades only that show timing potential for each method for comparative purposes and are shown for their educational content only and not as advisories or recommendations.

​If you can pick up on when new trends are beginning, the opportunities for profit are plentiful​.  Above was a $1200 cash gain in Value in only 8-days before a new BUY signal was given.

'Rome Wasn't Built in a Day' and, neither will your Trading Education.​ ​

​The ​Bitcoin Market Tamer

The ​Bitcoin Market Tamer​ was conceived and derived from our Line Tamer Principle ​and is applied strictly to Crypto-currencies & their charts.

​I offer this valuable tool now in a time-saving and price-saving Secured, DOWNLOAD Format for only a $497 USD ​​Gift contribution during this Spring Special Offering. You get reprint rights for a single-copy. Just send your name & address information for your NDA, fill it out when you receive it and ​send your Gift via Paypal. Delivery is same day during normal daylight hours. It's that Simple! ACT TODAY!

​Just drop me an e-mail HERE to ​request our Gift Contribution Levels Catalog. I look forward to working with you. Remember, ​private members receive personal support​ for the next Two Years for each Gift contribution made. How can you do better than that anywhere today? Hmm? Hope to hear from you soon. - George

A Canadian Dollar Trade Using Our Private ‘Cross-Hairs’ Timing Technique

An Intra-Day Forex Trade Opportunity . . .

​NOTE: All charts are for illustrative purposes only. They show where trading signals would theoretically occur using a particular trading method. These are hypothetical trades only that show timing potential for each method for comparative purposes and are shown for their educational content only and not as advisories or recommendations.

​This Private Trading Technique will help you to pick ​important  turning points in even with short-term trends.

'Rome Wasn't Built in a Day' and, neither will your Trading Education.​ ​

​The Cross-Hairs Market Timing Effect

The Cross-​Hairs Market Timing Effect​ was conceived and derived from a Principle that was mentioned by W.D. Gann in one of his writings many years ago. Overlooked by virtually every one of the few traders who have even read his courses and writings. Mr. Gann only mentioned this important 'item' in passing,

​WD Gann seldom mentioned things that were unimportant, I decided to dig deeper; much deeper to see what treasure awaited below the surface. Eventually, I found the hidden 'Gold' that lay beneath the surface fact. What I found 'worked' with enough frequency (over 87.5%+ by my estimation) to be a valuable addition to our ​Private Course Collection' for your generous Gift.

​Just drop me an e-mail HERE to ​request our Gift Contribution Levels Catalog. I look forward to working with you. Remember, a​ll private members will receive personal educational support for Two Years ​following each Gift contribution you make. How can you do better than that anywhere today? Hmm? Hope to hear from you soon. - George

It Only Take A Little Bit More Effort to Beat the Average Investor!

​By 200 to 500 ​Per Cent . . .

​Our Private Trading Techniques will help you to pick a higher rate of return (ROR) Market as well as it's turning points.

The Course Selections I offer you on this website are unique in this very same regard. All our courses are based on observed and proven market behaviors and are based on particular mathematical constructs that can be relied upon (as can ALL mathematical laws) to continue to function without regard to where they are applied or to which market.

'Rome Wasn't Built in a Day' and, neither will your Trading Education.​ ​

If you're the type of trader/investor who's looking for a more reliable approach to analyzing the markets to locate ideal trading moments to enter and exit active markets, then, I'd like to invite you to e-mail me today for our Gift Contribution Levels Catalog which will contain a ​list of our unique courses​. Your instincts will lead you to be drawn towards some course approaches more than others. 

​Just drop me an e-mail HERE to ​request the Catalog. ​Remember, all private members who support our work with their Gifts will have access to educational support for the next Two Years if and when needed. How can you do better than that anywhere today? Hmm? Hope to hear from you soon. - George

Don’t Be Just A Bystander in These Markets!

Major Trends In Motion . . .

The ETF symbol 'USO' follows the Crude Oil Market Closely & has plenty of Option choices & expiration dates.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

​The Major Stock Market Trend is UP . . .

​The ETF symbol 'SPY' also has many Option strike prices & expiration dates to choose from.

The Course Selections I offer you on this website are unique in this very same regard. All our courses are based on observed and proven market behaviors and are based on particular mathematical constructs that can be relied upon (as can ALL mathematical laws) to continue to function without regard to where they are applied or to which market.

If you're the type of trader/investor who's looking for a more reliable approach to analyzing the markets to locate ideal trading moments to enter and exit active markets, then, I'd like to invite you to e-mail me today for a quote on course that seems to intrigue you the most. Your instincts will lead you to be drawn towards some course approaches more than others. 

​Just drop me an e-mail HERE to take the next step. I look forward to working with you and will provide personal support to you for the next Two Years if and when needed. How can you do better than that anywhere today? Hmm? Hope to hear from you soon. - George

WD Gann Analysis & the Trading Game

You ​Start With [1] A Superior Trading Method and [2], Then Apply it to a Strategic 10-Trade 'Set'

​Set A Goal and Divide It into 10-Equal Parts.

​For This GAME Approach, You'll Need High-Volume  Trading Instruments With Short-Term, Triple-Digit Return Possibilities.

Your objective as a Trader playing this version of the 'GAME' will be to capture a specific, minimum gain amount for each unit of trading (module) that is done. All Trades are to be considered as part of a 10-Module Set.

Once the trade 'module' or unit has accomplished it's specific profit mission, it is closed and, the next Module in the series will follow when the appropriate signal is given. Your Trading Method will give the signal you need to implement the next 'module' in the trading series.

​And, yes, to answer the question, there are short-term, triple-digit return possibilities available in ETF Options, but, you must have an options-specific strategy in order to beat the inherent odds against a trader of the options buying game. This will not be addressed here today, but, can be discerned from both the 'Excalibur II' and the 'Levitas Principle' Courses. For more modest gains, there are far more possibilities available in everything from forex, commodities, stocks and options.

To achieve this necessary skill set to time your trade entries, you need to obtain trading methods you can believe in that are based on fundamentals of mathematics/Nature that can also be relied upon.

The Course Selections I offer you on this website is unique in this very same regard. All our courses are based on observed and proven market behaviors and are based on particular mathematical constructs that can be relied upon (as can ALL mathematical laws) to continue to function without regard to where they are applied or to which market.

​What Kind of Trader Are You?

If you're the type of trader/investor who's looking for a more reliable approach to analyzing the markets to locate ideal trading moments to enter and exit active markets, then, I'd like to invite you to e-mail me today for a quote on course that seems to intrigue you the most. Your instincts will lead you to be drawn towards some course approaches more than others. Be sure to take time to examine our extensive collection unique courses. Our Newest Course release is 'The Cross-Hairs' Trading Method.

​​I'd like to present you with  our Newest Course release titled 'The Cross-Hairs' Trading Method.

Then, there's our ​other Trading Discoveries such as 'Fibonacci Trends', 'The Levitas Trading Principle', 'The Exponential Trading Method' and, our 'Excalibur II: Mastering Sideways Markets Trading Method'. The​se are available separately or as a set at a Special Spring Price Offer (see the graphic below).

Take a few moments to think about it. Odds are that you've been a silent visitor to this website for some time now (most of our clients and students have been observers for weeks & even years before purchasing). If you have, then, you know that I'm not hyping and, don't need to hype our work here. I do make different package offers from time-to-time to keep things new and interesting and, because, that's just how the Human Mind works. Everybody needs a change in scenery once-in-a-while.

However, it would be a mistake to think that what's being offered to you this last week is anything 'ordinary'. I truly have a 'LIfe-time' Offer for the next few Students or Clients who have the courage and conviction to step forward to claim either the 'Master Course' or the Gann Package.

Inexpensive? No. Quality is Quality and, Rare is Rare. But, much less expensive than ever before? YES!

It's a shame that only a few are willing to put in the meager effort to just e-mail me to find out what I'm talking about here. But, those few who do make the effort will be among those few who will reap the rewards. It's Nature's Law in everything in Life and not just confined to trading isn't it?

​That should be enough description to get you started. Just drop me an e-mail HERE to take the next step. I look forward to working with you and will provide personal support to you for the next Two Years if and when needed. How can you do better than that anywhere today? Hmm? Hope to hear from you soon. - George

FOREX: Trade – Succeed – REPEAT

'Window on the Markets' 

​GBP/JPY: ​A BUY Signal Given

Prices ​rose immediately upwards as predicted by using  The 'Fibonacci Trends' Trading Technique.

​This Course is Still Available for Discerning Traders

Your objective as a Trader or Investor is to determine the price Trend and locate the moment when that trend changes direction. ​

To achieve this necessary skill set, you need to find a trading method you can believe in that's based on fundamentals of mathematics/Nature that can also be relied upon.

The Course Selections I offer you on this website is unique in this very same regard. All our courses are based on observed and proven market behaviors and are based on particular mathematical constructs that can be relied upon (as can ALL mathematical laws) to continue to function without regard to where they are applied or to which market.

If you're the type of trader/investor who's looking for a more reliable approach to analyzing the markets to locate ideal trading moments to enter and exit active markets, then, I'd like to invite you to e-mail me today for a quote on course that seems to intrigue you the most. Your instincts will lead you to be drawn towards some course approaches more than others. 

There's the Classic 'Gann-flavored' Approach; where we pick up Gann's threads of Wisdom and apply them to today's markets. We offer a unique selection of these trading approaches as a Special Set for an unprecedented savings right now to the next few students who decide to take action to take control of and improve their financial futures (see below graphic).

Then, there's our New Trading Discoveries such as 'Fibonacci Trends', 'The Levitas Trading Principle', 'The Exponential Trading Method' and, our 'Excalibur II: Mastering Sideways Markets Trading Method'. The​se are available separately or as a set at a Special Spring Price Offer (see the graphic below).

Take a few moments to think about it. Odds are that you've been a silent visitor to this website for some time now (most of our clients and students have been observers for weeks & even years before purchasing). If you have, then, you know that I'm not hyping and, don't need to hype our work here. I do make different package offers from time-to-time to keep things new and interesting and, because, that's just how the Human Mind works. Everybody needs a change in scenery once-in-a-while.

However, it would be a mistake to think that what's being offered to you this last week is anything 'ordinary'. I truly have a 'LIfe-time' Offer for the next few Students or Clients who have the courage and conviction to step forward to claim either the 'Master Course' or the Gann Package.

Inexpensive? No. Quality is Quality and, Rare is Rare. But, much less expensive than ever before? YES!

It's a shame that only a few are willing to put in the meager effort to just e-mail me to find out what I'm talking about here. But, those few who do make the effort will be among those few who will reap the rewards. It's Nature's Law in everything in Life and not just confined to trading isn't it?

​That should be enough description to get you started. Just drop me an e-mail HERE to take the next step. I look forward to working with you and will provide personal support to you for the next Two Years if and when needed. How can you do better than that anywhere today? Hmm? Hope to hear from you soon. - George

Trade – Succeed – REPEAT

'Window on the Markets' 

​COFFEE: 'Grounds' for SELLING

Prices have proceeded to drop as predicted by this technique [The 'Fibonacci Trends' Trading Technique]

​This Course is Still Available for Discerning Traders

Take Advantage of Trading Opportunities Without the Need for a Large Bankroll . . .

There are Commodity ETFs for every sector that are now available for purchase at a small fraction of the cost of their futures contracts. Many of the larger ETFs also have options which can be traded for even less initial cost.

​It's possible to accumulate double or even triple-digit returns using these instruments along with our unique trading techniques of market analyses like our new 'Fibonacci Trends' Trading Course.

There are also Currency ETFs for the major currencies available, and, there are options available in these as well providing a more flexible position when it comes to capturing a larger portion of major price trends.

​One of the advantages of using ETFs over standard Forex pairs at the usual brokerages is that the outright purchase of an ETF or it's option provides immunity from the rapid price spikes that are part and parcel of the Algorithm High Frequency Trading Crowd. They pop traders out of their properly positioned trades through these rapid price moves forcing them to liquidate their positions at a loss only to see the previous trend continue immediately afterwards. This happens daily to thousands of innoscent traders and ETFs can protect one from this manipulative activity and actuall save a good deal of money from being lost to 'fake' orders of this type​.

There are many other ETFS as well, some for all the major nations;  their economies and Stock Markets as well as for most Stock Sectors. That means that there are even more opportunity possibilities to profit from the use of ETFs. Their lower cost also means that even the least-capitalized trader can find an affordable entry point that enables them to take advantage of shifts in Market Trends.

​Their lower cost also means that even the least-capitalized trader can find an affordable entry point that enables them to take advantage of shifts in Market Trends. We'll explore some of these low-cost, profit possibilities in the coming posts. - George

​Contact: George@wdgann-lost-secrets.com and ask for our quote for the 'Platinum Package'. Time is of the Essence as there are only a few of these packages that I can release each month in order to be able to provide any assistance if needed to everyone who becomes an owner of this magnificent set.

Intraday Forex Opportunities . . .

​T​hese kinds of opportunities reveal themselves every day, BUT, only if you've the Tools to see them .

Performance figures contained herein are hypothetical, unaudited and prepared by WDGann-Lost-Secrets.com; hypothetical results are intended for illustrative purposes only. Past performance is not indicative of future results, which may vary. There is a risk of substantial loss associated with trading stocks, commodities, futures, options and other financial instruments. Full disclosures here.

​USD/CAD: Here's just 2 of several potential Intraday Trading Opportunities.

Those taking our Courses are exposed to multiple trading techniques that provide great entry & exit points (like the two shown on the chart above) for Markets at ​every time frame. ​

The Knowledge required to gain an 'Instinct' for these market turns is obtained by Knowledge, Study & Practice. We provide the Knowledge and the Study Opportunities. This Information is Rare, You're invited to join our very tight group of Students and Clients. - George

​Take a look at our 'Master Trading Collection' MENU TAB at the top of this website, find the course or courses of interest that seem to match your trading style, then, e-mail me (by clicking here) for a personalized quote. - George


Intra-day Gold Trades Update . . .

​Today, we look at the ​signal set-up from Friday's trading of GOLD . . .

Performance figures contained herein are hypothetical, unaudited and prepared by WDGann-Lost-Secrets.com; hypothetical results are intended for illustrative purposes only. Past performance is not indicative of future results, which may vary. There is a risk of substantial loss associated with trading stocks, commodities, futures, options and other financial instruments. Full disclosures here.

​Gold: Intraday Trading Signals Using the 'Fibonacci Trends' approach.

​Our Hypothetical Trades for GOLD during the last week's trading using the 'Fibonacci Trends' Trading Method would have yielded (hypothetically), at least $2,500 USD in Closed Trade Profits and, $600 USD in open trades still running. The present Stop is shown on the right-side of the price chart. - George


S&P 500 Intra-day + Crude Oil/Gold Update . . .

​Today, we look at the intra-day set-up for Friday's trading for the S&P 500 Stock Index (SPY, etc.) . . .

Performance figures contained herein are hypothetical, unaudited and prepared by WDGann-Lost-Secrets.com; hypothetical results are intended for illustrative purposes only. Past performance is not indicative of future results, which may vary. There is a risk of substantial loss associated with trading stocks, commodities, futures, options and other financial instruments. Full disclosures here.

​S&P 500 Stock Index: Intraday Trading Signals Using the 'Fibonacci Trends' approach.

​The S&P 500 had a pull-back during Thursday's trading. ​Prices brought us to a reversal in trend signal to exit our previous hypothetical SHORT trade for a profit potential of $3,750 USD for a 1-day trade. We also entered LONG on the same signal as this is the preferred and Major Trend for this market.

What comes next for CRUDE OIL? We are LONG the S&P on on Thursday's signal and have a reversal price at 2895.​ It will take a closing price below $2895, (with most of it's hourly range below this price), to persuade that the present short-term uptrend was over. Until then, stay with the trend for higher prices in the ​S&P 500 Stock Index.

Performance figures contained herein are hypothetical, unaudited and prepared by WDGann-Lost-Secrets.com; hypothetical results are intended for illustrative purposes only. Past performance is not indicative of future results, which may vary. There is a risk of substantial loss associated with trading stocks, commodities, futures, options and other financial instruments. Full disclosures here.

CRUDE OIL Intraday Trading Signals Using the 'Fibonacci Trends' approach.

​CRUDE OIL continued it's trend from yesterday's trading. We came close to the reversal price, but, did not penetrate it, further confirming the upside price potential for Crude Oil.

What comes next for CRUDE? We advanced our Stop by $250 and, remember that the same technique that brought us here is still in play potentially yielding over $1,900 USD in profits since the original BUY signal yesterday. It would take a closing price below $69.75, (with most of it's hourly range below this price), to persuade that the present short-term uptrend was over. Until then, stay with the trend for higher prices in CRUDE OIL.


And, now ​let's look at our GOLD signals on the very short-term (intra-day-to-next day) trends.

The 'Fibonacci Trends' Method gave us a Short entry signal entry signal around 11 P.M. last evening. This trend has continued through today up until the time of this posting. There is another potential Short signal present at the $1205 price level. As mentioned earlier, the previous Short trade gave a hypothetical $1,000 profit potential. At present, the hypothetical profit potential for this latest trade is at $500 and counting.

Performance figures contained herein are hypothetical, unaudited and prepared by WDGann-Lost-Secrets.com; hypothetical results are intended for illustrative purposes only. Past performance is not indicative of future results, which may vary. There is a risk of substantial loss associated with trading stocks, commodities, futures, options and other financial instruments. Full disclosures here.

​GOLD Intra-day Trading Signals Using the 'Fibonacci Trends' approach.

​What comes next for GOLD? ​The SHORT entry side is holding until the time of this posting. Further confirmation will come if prices drop below $1205 USD. A reversal point to the upside is hovering close by at around $1208. Remember: The Major Trend is DOWN, â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹so, lower prices shouldn't alarm you, but, should be expected as part of the price process. Be ready. - George

Crude Oil Short-term & Gold Follow-up . . .

​A sharp upswing in CRUDE OIL took place in the early NY morning session. The 'Fibonacci Trends' Trading Technique created a BUY Signal early in the turn as shown on the chart below . . .

Performance figures contained herein are hypothetical, unaudited and prepared by WDGann-Lost-Secrets.com; hypothetical results are intended for illustrative purposes only. Past performance is not indicative of future results, which may vary. There is a risk of substantial loss associated with trading stocks, commodities, futures, options and other financial instruments. Full disclosures here.

CRUDE OIL Intraday Trading Signals Using the 'Fibonacci Trends' approach.

​This Trend was still underway at the Close of the NY Session.

What comes next for CRUDE OIL? Well, the same technique that brought us here is still in play. It would take a closing price below $69.50, (with most of it's hourly range below this price), to persuade that the present      short-term uptrend was over. Until then, I'm looking for higher prices in CRUDE OIL.


And, now to follow-up on our GOLD signals on the very short-term (intra-day-to-next day) trends.

The 'Fibonacci Trends' Method gave both an exit and Long entry signal around 7 P.M. last evening. This trend has continued through today up until the time of this posting. As mentioned earlier, the previous Short trade gave a hypothetical $1,000 profit potential. At present, the potential is at $300 and counting.

Performance figures contained herein are hypothetical, unaudited and prepared by WDGann-Lost-Secrets.com; hypothetical results are intended for illustrative purposes only. Past performance is not indicative of future results, which may vary. There is a risk of substantial loss associated with trading stocks, commodities, futures, options and other financial instruments. Full disclosures here.

​GOLD Intra-day Trading Signals Using the 'Fibonacci Trends' approach.

​What comes next for GOLD? â€‹The Long entry side is still holding up until the time of this posting, but, a reversal point is hovering close by at around $1211. Remember: The Major Trend is DOWN, ​​​​​so, lower prices shouldn't alarm you, but, should be expected as part of the price process. Be ready. - George

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