Tag Archives for " trading for a living "

Bitcoin: Is This a Crash or Just a Price Retracement?

Retracements Can Fool 'Ya . . .

So, far, this analysis has held. Note that our process expected a bottoming turn ABOVE the often expected 50% price re-tracement point of $32,000.

That's what's happened as of the date of this posting.

The Psychology of Investors and Speculators swing from one extreme of Optimism to Pessimism and onward towards Depression.

It's important to realize that . . .

Panics Have Cycles Too!

The makeup of Humanity at large and it's psychology and response to fear doesn't change. The Public reacts fearfully and immediately adopts a negative 'bias' towards the Market and the Future.

To combat getting caught up in this mass hysteria, It's important to KNOW where you are.

Determine What Kind of Market You're In . . .

. . . A Bull Market or a 'Bubble' Market'?

Don't be one of the many who 'miss the forest for the trees'.

I've written earlier that the Block Chain Economy is a paradigm-shifting event.

So, it may look like a Bubble and, at times, it may act like a Bubble, however, this new paradigm-shifting economic phenomena will be a constantly evolving and improving sector that will be missed by the Majority who will miss 'the Bull Market of the Ages' because they can only see 'Bubbles' and risk.

They'll be like the guy in the picture below, confident that they're seeing a Bubble, but, missing the Bull Market entirely . . .

By studying History, you can be sure that this will occur because: (most) 'People Don't Change" and, therefore, their reactions repeat over the long-term.

For those who would like to become aware of the 'replacement' Economy that's forming invisibly right under our noses, take a closer look at the ALT Coin Universe.

'The Blockchain' Will Win

I encourage you to take a deeper dive into this subject by watching some YouTube Videos and making some searches on the Internet. Yes, it's Work, and, Yes, it will pay off.

It's New. It's Fresh, and, it's full of early-adopter opportunities.

You'll find that within the Blockchain Universe, there are already more private, faster and more efficient alternatives to the 'old school' system that we grew up in.

Don't just hand over all these profit opportunities to the younger generations alone. The Future belongs to those who can adapt to Change.

These new ALT Tokens have already developed replacements for Brokerages, Banks, Money Transfers, Loan Sources, Privacy, Art, Music, Security and Currency and the list keeps growing larger and improving.

Once one becomes aware of the super-structure that's being built, it would be foolish to deny or ignore it.

However, some just don't want to know about change.

They don't want to 'Speak About It', 'See It' or, 'Hear About It' either.

I know if you're one of our Readers, that this certainly doesn't apply to you, but, it's good to know that this is the competition that we'll be dealing with. Meaning: This Field of Investment is Wide-Open to Massive Opportunity.

The opportunities lie beyond just trading too. Look into it to see if you can get involved and be at the starting point of the Next Industrial Revolution'.

The Block Chain's Time Has Come. - George


I did mention how our 'Levitas' Trading Method picked our support price level for Bitcoin. It can do likewise for any Market intra-day or longer.

If you're interested in gaining access to this dynamic and powerful method for yourself and your trading toolbox, I'll be glad to tell you more.            

All Our Courses are now accessed by Donation Only and in Secured, Digital Downloadable Format. Same-day Delivery is Now Possible! - George                


E-mail me: Click HERE:



* This is not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

Pandemics 1918-20 and 2018-2020. The Powerful One-Hundred Year Cycle:

Care To See Just How Close The Match Is?

Not only does the Flu have a regular Annual event cycle, (except for last year, of course, when it miraculously disappeared for the first time in History! - think about it a bit. food for thought.), but, there are larger Cycles for Plagues (the old term for such disease waves) that follow both 100-Year and 1,000-Year Cycles as well.

Looking back on what we just went through, it follows almost perfectly the Spanish Flu Epidemic which occurred 100-Years prior.

That pandemic too was aggravated and made worse by the wearing of masks it was latter discovered, but, that precious and useful knowledge was 'lost' over the generations that followed so that Humanity could make the same stupid mistakes all over again without learning anything in the process it seems.

Responses Then Were 'Over-the-Top' Too

As you can see from some of the reprinted pictures of headlines of the time, those in authority lost no time enhancing their powers to bring Society under their thumbs by restricting actions and the freedoms of the populace in general.

The point of this article is not political. It's simply to point out that there are discernible cycles in Life and for Events that recur with an amazing degree of precision. W. D. Gann wrote of this in his courses as well and alluded to them in his novel 'The Tunnel Thru The Air'.

The makeup of Humanity at large and it's psychology and response to fear doesn't change. The Public reacts fearfully and the Leaders see how to both enhance and  take advantage of that reaction.

And, yes, we had the 'Karen' Crowd back then too, (see the picture below).

And, The Good News Is?


This latest manifestation of the biblical plague will pass into History as have all that have come before.

Much as the 'Fourth Turning' is now coming due, which is a Cycle of Societal Change, the best one can do is to prepare individually for what is coming so as to have one's Life disrupted the least amount possible.

Believe me, one person isn't going to hold back the tide of History and repetitive cycles alone. However, one can come through such times and actually come out of them better off than they were. How?

By studying History, becoming aware of the most important cycles to watch for and to be sure that they will come back again because 'People Don't Change".

For those who would like to become aware of one of the most important societal cycles and have a 'road map' to both update and use to anticipate, you should be most interested to obtain access to this Rare Publication from our Collection:

'The Time Vibration Predictor'

This Course will reveal this special, society-altering cycle and provide you with a fold-out 'Time and Event' Chart that you can follow for years into the future that can be used to anticipate repetitions of Events and Trends.

Write me if this is of interest to you and I'll give you the best donation level offer.

If you'd like to delve even deeper into the structure of Time and it's relation to Price, then, I'd encourage you to explore our 'It's About Time' Course Set Volumes I & II.


It's been my Privilege to offer our Clients & Students the Very Best of the Best when it comes to Private Proprietary Trading Techniques.

If you're interested in gaining access to one of our dynamic and powerful methods described on this website. I'll be glad to tell you more.            

All Our Courses are now accessed by Donation Only and in Secured, Digital Downloadable Format. Same-day Delivery is Now Possible! - George                


E-mail me: Click HERE:



* This is not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

The Blending of the Absurd With The Profitable

Crypto-Markets As A Source Of Accelerated Profitability

It's New. It's Absurd, So, Get Ready To Become Wealthy From It!


The 'Winds of Change' have blown in. You wouldn't think of trying to fight the wind, so, why do you fight the trading opportunities that are being presented in the Crypto Markets today?

Take a look at the DOGE coin market shown on the above chart. Gains of over 1,300% in a little over one month's time were presented as a possibility.

And, this is only one market. The truth is, significant gain possibilities are being presented every day in these crypto coin markets. Gains far greater than are offered in conventional, old-time markets like Stocks, Forex and even the Commodities.

Entrepreneurship Follows The Profit

Opportunity presents itself in different disguises in each era.

For this 'Fourth Turning' chaotic time, we're going to undergo a complete restructuring of the financial scene that we've been accustomed to these past decades.

Block chain technology will not go away. In fact, it's been steadily improving itself and creating better and better products within it's eco-system practically undetected by the masses of 'old-time' investors.

It's time to hand up our 'buggy whips' and follow the money trail which is fast becoming a highway instead of just a trail.

"Where is the really big money being made today?"

Answer that question honestly and you'll know what you should be doing.

The 'Old' System Won't Welcome This Change - It Never Does, But Progress Will Not Be Stopped!

Bureaucrats will always defend the system that they're a part of. Their decisions are not based on intelligence, just emotion and instructions 'from the top'.

This is not the time to bet on the old system to take care of you financially. That system is an old set of gates that are breaking down faster and faster like that shown in the picture above.

For the same effort as traders; for the same time spent, we can allow ourselves much greater opportunity of double and triple-digit gains by looking towards the block chain economy in the future.

It's A Matter Of Better Time Management

Too much is capable of happening in this World today when 'official' markets are still closed. As good as the 'old' system was, it's still not up to the demands of the world's populations to be able to trade when it's convenient for them to trade.

The Crypto Markets are true 24-7 Markets. No breaks for lunch. No waiting for the next set of Banks to start trading. These markets are ready at every moment to respond to demand and, likewise, are ready to provide many moments of profit opportunity throughout every day.

And, the Gains! The potential gains are incredible.

'Change is the Only Constant'.

Ever Wonder Why?

As I wrote in an earlier post, we don't have to like it, and, yes, it can seem absurd, but, we'd have to be willingly blind not to see, (if we looked seriously), where Billions upon Billions of $$ are now flowing from serious institutions. They're going straight into the Block Chain Markets, and, it's only the very beginning of this movement.

Money is moving like a tsunami from the fiat currencies and the old banking, stock and commodity systems into the Crypto field.

This is serious money and serious money is being made daily in this field.

I was once criticized for recommending these Markets years ago.

Those who took me seriously back then and got involved would be financially secure for Life today.

Back then I presented a simple, but, effective Trading Method to optimize trading within this Crypto-Sector of the New Private Digital Economy called 'The Bitcoin Market King' today, but, previously was titled 'The Line Tamer'..


The real advantage of our approach to developing trading systems is that we've based ALL of them upon Unchanging Mathematical Principles that work regardless of the economic period or the Market chosen.

All of our trading methods can be applied to the Crypto space & markets as to the 'old' markets of Stocks, Forex and Commodities.

Don't ignore this once in 4-Lifetimes Event!

As part of our adoption of this new technology, I'll now accept donations in Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and offer a special reduced donation level for those of our readers, clients or students who are willing to take this extra step to obtain access to our Courses. 

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) has an extremely low transfer cost, (sometimes only a few cents!), and, is superior to regular Bitcoin these days, (innovations and improvements in speed and lowered cost are part of this new economy).

 I'll provide you with details on how you can obtain your Bitcoin Cash upon request. Until then, Keep the Big Picture of where we're headed in view at all times and prepare yourself to prosper from that Knowledge! - George


It's been my Privilege to offer our Clients & Students the Very Best of the Best when it comes to Private Proprietary Trading Techniques.

If you're interested in gaining access to one of those dynamic and powerful methods described on this website. I'll be glad to tell you more.            

All Our Courses are now accessed by Donation Only and in Secured, Digital Downloadable Format. Same-day Delivery is Now Possible! - George                


E-mail me: Click HERE:



* This is not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

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The New, Billionaire-building, Privacy-Enhanced, De-Centralized Economy Awaits You!

A Vast, Entirely New Virtual Economy Has Emerged.

Are You Ready To Become Wealthy From It?


I rejoin you this week after an extensive leave to further research and ferret out the meaning of our present Economic Chaos.

In order to find some frame of reference, I had to incorporate what WD Gann referred to as the 'Grand Cycles'. That is, to look backwards in order to put today's current events into some sort of context; to find the underlying rhythm to the political and economic 'music' being played at such loud volume today.

Fortunately, History Repeats. 

History Repeats

Why do I say fortunately, especially in light of all the chaos spreading worldwide today?

For this main reason; to become aware of how people respond to threatening environments. How previous generations have responded in the Past is a prelude to how they'll respond in this Generation as well. 

We can thus maneuver ourselves to a financial and physical advantage while there is still time to optimize such moves. 

I thought you'd enjoy this old print above dealing with the, (then), current Empire that was toppling, (the British Empire), but, you can substitute the flag of the current empires and, the story will be the same.

'Change is the only Constant' is a true statement about the Nature of this Realm we live in. It's best if we stay flexible in Mind and not be rooted to Habit. Change is happening NOW, not later. Plan your future accordingly.

A New, Freed, Re-organized Economy Has Come

This all started with Bitcoin, but, it'd be a huge mistake to brush this new beginning 'currency' off as an unsupported or 'Bubble' event. 

You see, it wasn't about 'Bitcoin', it was always about the concept of the 'Block chain'. That was the true revolutionary idea.

And, now, that idea has expanded and matured into an alternate universe that has been replacing every aspect of the fiat-currency based financial system until, now, it has real 'legs' beneath it all and it can stand on it's own and function separately from and in privacy completely outside of the government-approved and controlled 'system'.

There are now block chain specialty functions that offer security in documents, property rights, what used to be called 'banking', trading exchanges with thousands of alternative coins that trade with market caps all the way into Billions of $$$.

De-Centralization Is The New 'Gold Rush'

Every 90-Years or 4th Generation, there is an Upheaval of the Social and Political environment. Ours is inherited from the 1930's Depression and 'New Deal' Era.

In the 1930's, the entire US structure political (Socialism & Govt. Programs) and economic (i.e. Gold confiscation) was turned on it's head while the people suffered the effects of the Great Depression.

We're facing, (actually in the midst of), similarly seismic changes again today, 90-Years later. Right on Time. Ready or not.

Absolute Fortunes have been undeniably made in the new 'Block chain' markets. Billionaires and Millionaires are being made in these markets today.

Ever Wonder Why?

'Change is the Only Constant'.

The 'Old' Economy which we're all so comfortable with and which we all grew up with is fast fading from the scene being replaced by the new opportunities in the more private 'block chain' arena.

Emotions aside, we don't have to like it, but, we'd have to be willingly blind not to see, (if we looked seriously), where Billions upon Billions of $$ are now flowing from serious institutions. They're going straight into the Block Chain Markets, and, it's only the very beginning of this movement.

Money is moving like a tsunami from the fiat currencies and the old banking, stock and commodity systems into the Crypto field.

This is serious money and serious money is being made daily in this field.

I was once criticized for recommending these Markets years ago.

Those who took me seriously back then and got involved would be financially secure for Life today.

Back then I presented a Trading Method to optimize trading within this Crypto-Sector of the New Private Digital Economy.


That Course is called: 'The Bitcoin Market King' and this course showed this method applied to the entire History of prices for the major crypto-currencies of the time to prove it's effectiveness.

It remains just as effective a trading method approach today.

I will be reporting more and more on these markets here as the future economic shift is still just starting. The upward potential is massive.

These Markets will become even greater than reason alone could imagine as we're not dealing with 'Bubbles' here, (as the 'old-timers' think and like to tag onto the Crypto-space movement), we're dealing with the technology shift from 'Buggy Whips' to Automobiles.

Don't be like the guy in the carriage business shown below having a 'fire' sale on buggy whips, carriages, harnesses, etc.. He stayed with the old 'markets' and technology 'too long'. He was wiped out by the Automobile.

Do you really want to ignore this once in 4 Lifetimes Event?

I, for one, will no longer ignore this in my posts. I owe it to you my readers to tell you what the years have allowed me to see going forward.

As part of this expansion in 'Consciousness', I will now accept donations in Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and offer a special reduced donation level for those of our readers, clients or students who are willing to take this extra step to obtain access to our Courses. 

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) has an extremely low transfer cost, (sometimes only a few cents!), and, is superior to regular Bitcoin these days, (innovations and improvements in speed and lowered cost are part of this new economy).

 I'll provide you with details on how you can obtain your Bitcoin Cash upon request. Until then, Keep the Big Picture of where we're headed in view at all times and prepare yourself to prosper from that Knowledge! - George


It's been my Privilege to offer our Clients & Students the Very Best of the Best when it comes to Private Proprietary Trading Techniques.

If you're interested in gaining access to one of those dynamic and powerful methods described on this website. I'll be glad to tell you more.            

All Our Courses are now accessed by Donation Only and in Secured, Digital Downloadable Format. Same-day Delivery is Now Possible! - George                


E-mail me: Click HERE:



* This is not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

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Stock Market Down Week Ahead?

The US Stock Indexes Look Weak for the Week Ahead


This Week's potential for the US Stock Markets is heavily weighted to the Downside in price trend.

We triggered several important signals to SELL on Thursday and Friday last.

From a Daily Trend Perspective: Prices have weakened and the Market Maker's Trigger was given as well. 

This generally means we can expect some larger movements in price and, those will probably be to the downside this week.

Brace yourself and ignore the media hype. In fact, expect to hear more about Buying into the stock market this week as institutions are generally liquidating their long positions for profit-taking from the last run-up in prices since the beginning of the month of March. - George


It's been my Privilege to offer our Clients & Students the Very Best of the Best when it comes to Private Proprietary Trading Techniques.

If you're interested in gaining access to one of those dynamic and powerful methods described on this website. I'll be glad to tell you more.            

All Our Courses are now accessed by Donation Only and in Secured, Digital Downloadable Format. Same-day Delivery is Now Possible! - George                


E-mail me: Click HERE:



* This is not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

To Trade Successfully:
  • Don’t Let The ‘Outside’ In!

  • Don't Let 'Outside', Worldly Issues Affect Your Trading


    Trading got you stressed out, depressed or worried?

    The odds are that these very stressful states are coming, not from the Markets themselves, but, from 'outside' events which have crept in to trigger these states as an 'effect'. They, themselves, are not the Cause all by themselves.

    If You Have A Solid Trading Approach, but, are worried about finances before you trade, then, that will affect your trading responses and could possibly create a loss where a winning trade could have been possible.

    If you are desperate for a particular result from your trade; If you are angry; if you are tired and haven't slept properly or, if you're a little 'blue' or depressed, these emotions will bleed over into your trading and influence (negatively), you trading results.

    So, you see, separate from the 28 Rules for Traders that I published a few weeks ago, as a list of parameters on how to conduct the physical aspects of each trade, we also have to protect our Minds from any 'outside' emotions or feelings that are currently taking place in our World.

    Meditate Before Trading?

    Well,meditation is statistically proven to lower stress and it's after effects.

    It turns out that this is exactly what we need as traders going into the fray of battle each day.

    So, it wouldn't be amiss to suggest a simple 'calming down' exercise prior to entering the 'trading mindset'.

    It can't hurt and, could certainly help Health wise and in your bottom line.

    Protect Your Mind & Don't Carry Outside Worries Into Your Trading

    One of the crucial steps is to 'cover' the trading arena using a reliable, dependable and proven trading method.

    It's been my Privilege to offer our Clients & Students the Very Best of the Best when it comes to Private Proprietary Trading Techniques.

    If you're interested in gaining access to one of those dynamic and powerful methods described on this website. I'll be glad to tell you more.            

    All Our Courses are now accessed by Donation Only and in Secured, Digital Downloadable Format. Same-day Delivery is Now Possible! - George                


    E-mail me  HERE:


    * This is not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

    Buying & Holding Is Not A Complete (or Safe), Investment Strategy!

    ​There Are Plenty Of Trending Markets, So Be Prepared

    By G.R. Harrison


    ​It’s been so easy to invest and profit lately. At least that’s the general consensus.

    ​However, as in most cases, the common opinion is in error.

    ​Today’s lesson revolves around the myth of ‘Buy and Hold’.

    ​This particular philosophy of ‘buy and hold’, is an addictive and, seemingly, correct response to getting into a strong price trend going in the ‘right’ direction and one that’s accumulating profits almost daily.

    ​this is exactly the position many millions of investors are finding themselves in during our current segment of the “bullish’ trends that are prevalent in so many markets these days.

    ​So, what’s wrong with this approach?

    Well, ​nothing as far as it goes, but, there’s an important part missing from this approach that MUST BE INCLUDED or it will lead to financial disaster.

    ​The missing part I’m referring to is the ‘Exit Plan’ or a method for monitoring and determining when the price trend joyride is over.


    ​I’ve seen this personally many times over the last 50-Years..

    ​Prices rise. Profits accumulate. Investors double-down and increase their investment getting heavier and heavier without realizing how vulnerable this makes them to a reversal in price trend.

    ​But, as a general observation, the longer a trend is in progress, the steeper and faster the price retracement or fall from highs will be.

    ​Observe the charts below for some examples from 1929, 1987 and 2008.

    ​History shows that in all these market crashes and all the others not shown, that the average investor just hung on hoping with each following day that the market would come back and resume it’s upward, money-making trend.

    ​They never did. â€‹At least not before sucking all the profits back out of the trade and then, after most had staggered away from the markets, continuing back upwards again. This process often taking Years more however.

    ​Problems are common. Solutions Are Rare.​

    This website however, is about providing Solutions to the problems that come with trading.

    This includes our private specific methods for following strongly trending markets like we discussed above.

    ​Our private, proprietary methods like ‘The Levitas Principle’, ‘The Market King’ or ‘The Stairway Trading Method’ will all perform excellently at this task.

    This ​powerful list ​includes our private specific methods for following strongly trending markets like we discussed above.

    I​ don’t apologize for presenting to our visitors here Master Solutions in the form of our private trading methods and techniques.

    None of our Courses are duplicated ​or offered elsewhere. ​              

    None of them are computerized or provided in a public library of trading ‘indicators’, (which Institutions trade against daily).                

    None of them ​ever will be. This is the ONLY place on Earth where you can gain access to this accumulated trading wisdom that is built upon fundamental laws and unrecognized market principles.               

    ​If you’re interested in gaining access to one of the methods mentioned in this post or elsewhere on this website. I look forward to hearing from you soon. – George                

                            . . . Drop me an e-mail:


    * This is not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

    Insert Image

    US Dollar Rises. While Other Major Currencies Failing

    Reports of the Demise of the Dollar Are Premature!

    By G.R. Harrison


    Sometimes we need to broaden our view in order to take in the important elements of a picture.

    In the case of the Global Economy, this is certainly the case as we can no longer trust figures or statements issues by governments, well, anywhere, these days, we just have to ferret out the facts for ourselves to get to the answers we need.

    We're presently witnessing the early stages of a currency 'meltdown' when it comes to Non-US fiat currencies.

    It's really amazing. I'm still reading & hearing statements talking down the US Dollar. All this talk about the US Dollar being replaced certainly isn't being born out by the facts displayed on the price charts.

    Meanwhile, while the media's lying lips are still moving, so, is the US Dollars true value, and,  . . . Upwards, not downwards.

    Why is the public being mis-informed?

    Well, I think the simple answer is a political one. No country wants to take the blame for the mis-management of their own economy. Blame that is well-deserved in all cases. Pointing the finger in any other direction for 'blame' is the much preferred and practiced political 'solution'.

    The problem with this type of thinking is that the 'Truth' of a situation is never released to the public at large so that they could prepare for the consequences of such poor management. That would benefit too many people and dis-empower the political folks, so, that approach is 'off the table'.

    So, let's take the Bull by the horns and make some responsible determinations of our own based on what we see happening in the currency charts above.

    Declining prices indicate a massive shift in currencies is taking place.

    Why? Because large numbers of people or institutions are SELLING these currencies. That's what's driving their prices down.

    Clearly then, money is in motion and the money flow is likely to be into other assets that are NOT priced in the local fiat currency system.

    Perhaps, this encompasses the movement from fiat currencies into other asset classes like Cryptocurrencies, Art, Real Estate, Collectibles. Orny other asset class that will better hold it's value in the face of the oncoming wave of inflation that is already here but will be growing ever greater in the months and years ahead.

    This takes us back to a basic Principle written about by this Author many times over the years on this website: Test out theories for yourself. Don't take someone else's word for things whether in markets and any other aspect of Life.

    You are ultimately Responsible for your decisions, so, you should strive to make them the best decisions based on rock-solid FACTS and not opinion.

    One must exercise discipline and the same rationale in their own trading to stay focused on Success. A Powerful Trading Method alone will not do it alone, but, a sense of History will help us greatly to put markets and their potentials into proper perspective.

    Now that you have taken a glimpse 'behind the curtain' and know not only the REAL Trend in the currencies but also the REASON behind those Trends, how are you going to put that Knowledge to work for both your Financial Survival and for expanding your financial wealth?

    I encourage you to act on absorbing & implementing the Rules of Trading we've presented in our prior blog posts. Control your Emotions!

    Remember: The real 'Magic' lies within yourself and your strength to NOT do the things that come so easy to do (like acting emotionally).                    

    Best wishes for your trading success, and, if you're interested in gaining access to one of the methods mentioned in this post or elsewhere on this website . . .                

                            . . . Drop me an e-mail:


    * This is not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

    Copper: The ‘Other’ Investment Metal Play

    Unlike Gold, Copper Has Been Moving Upwards In Price!

    By G.R. Harrison

    Just like our Tortoise & Hare story a few posts back . . .

    Copper has been largely ignored by the public investor as it slowly edged it's way upwards in price. You'd think someone would have noticed a strong, upwards price trend that has been going on for almsot a Year!

    To be fair to the public, they've had some distractions, (think 'pandemic' and all the spin-off problems that produced), that started almost the exact same time as the Copper swing in trend.

    If one wished to wax conspiratorial for just a moment, you could wonder about the timng as China is one of, if not the, largest holder of copper inventory and they 'recovered' first from the pandemic, at least as far as their industry goes.

    They were ideally positioned to profit from this new uptrend, (if they were not the prime cause of it), and, profit they have.

    There are many who have set out to purchase and store Copper rounds or copper ingots to take advantage of their increasing value.

    Copper is certainly much more affordable than Gold or Silver and is worth consideration especially as we launch into inflationary times. - George

    I'll show you how to find dynamic price trends like the one shown here for copper for yourself. You can learn the technique quickly & inexpensively. Contact me by e-mail for private details.                                                Contact: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com

    * This is not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

    Eur/Usd: Today’s Play

    Just One Profit Opportunity

    'Solar Trader' Method Presents A Play In The EURUSD

    By G.R. Harrison

    There Were Also Other Possible Plays Presented During the Trading Day.

    Over the next several days, I'll be showing potential trading plays using one of our trading methods to provide the Entry/Exit Signals.

    These are shown to give a sense of the range of possibilities that are still being provided each day in the Markets. Yes, even during such turbulent, and, even more so because the times are turbulent. - George

    Questions? Email: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com 

    * This is not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

    Pace Yourself. No One Can Trade Around-the-Clock!

    Profit Opportunity Is Spread Out

    Every Region & Time Zone Has It's Trading Moments

    By G.R. Harrison

    There Were 2 Excellent Profit Opportunities At Different Times of the Day.

    Pace Yourself! This is Another Rule of Success.

    I've seen it too many times. Traders get caught up in the 'fever' of trading or the market action and lose track of just how long they've been glued to their computer screens or phones.

    When one gets caught in this 'trap', there's the danger that one's health and, certainly, one's mental focus will be compromised.
    The 'fear' is FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), of the big move of the day, which just may be just after your local day is over.
    Of course this will sometimes be true, for that day, but, exciting, (and profitable), price trends develop overnight as well as during the daylight trading hours in major markets.

    Instead of looking at a 24-hour market (like Gold, Crude Oil, the S&P500, etc.), as a continuum of trading activity, plot out a 4, 6 or even an 8-hour block of time that is natural to the waking-sleeping cycle of your region of the world, and, look for your opportunities within that time block.

    Take note of the Crude Oil chart above.

    There were two big trading opportunities. One took place in the daylight hours of trading and the other occurred during the night session of trading.

    The point is that Opportunity is not clock-bound or region-bound either. Every area of the World gets it's turn at the wheel. This is where the Virtue of Patience comes into play in both Trading and Life.

    The Race Doesn't Always Go To The Swiftest!

    Recall the children's tale about the race between the Tortoise and the Hare. The Lesson conveyed is meant for Adults as well as wise Children.

    Being Faster or Busier, (think trading around the clock), doesn't guarantee success at all and, can often lead to the opposite result: Losing in the Markets and in Life.

    Give it some strong consideration and plan out a time block that's compatible with your working day, conscious hours. You can make this work for you. 

    Remember: Even modest levels of success in trading are enormous when compared with any average employment, so, a 'slow and steady', 'tortoise and hare' approach can still allow you to reach your goals without wearing yourself out in the process. - George

    Pace Yourself and remain Healthy & Happy. - George

    Questions? Email: george@wdgann-lost-secrets.com 

    * This is not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

    Our ‘Market King’ & ‘Bitcoin Market King’ Courses

    How To Know When To BUY & SELL!

    The Truth Is That Almost Nobody Knows When To Quit

    Click on chart to enlarge for clarity

    But, This is an Investment Skill You Can Learn Today!

    I strongly urge you to have an effective technique such as our 'Market King' Technique with which to detect shifts in the major price trends for markets like these.

    Whether it's the Gold, Forex, Bitcoin, Stock or Commodity Markets, you'll have the deciding 'edge' and become a 'Market King' when you have this technique in your traders toolbox!

    The 'Market King' method can and will serve you well and has been tested on price charts going back over one-hundred years with the same uncanny accuracy.

    The 'Market King' Trading Method, worked just great under it's previous title (The Line Tamer),, BUT, in honor of it's new title of 'Market King', I've included a (until now), SECRET IMPROVEMENT to the technique that I've found makes this technique even more conservative and accurate than ever! It will be included as an Appendix to the Course so all the information will be located within one single document.

    This technique will detect shifts in the price momentum (Trend), using just simple line price charts, (available everywhere for free), alone. No special software is needed. No updates or upgrades needed ever. It stands on it's own merits.

    For a Limited Time, I'll include a version of our Market King Technique as applied to the Crypto-currency Markets which is now titled: 'The Bitcoin Market King' (formerly called 'Bitcoin Tamer'), with each copy of the Market King I receive a donation for.

    This course has charts exclusively focused on the most popular cryptos being traded with price charts going back to their beginnings & is yours FREE with your donation for the Market King Course!

    Because this technique is now available in Digital Format for immediate download delivery, we're able to make them available at a donation level that makes them accessible to everyone who truly wants to learn this trading skill.

    This is Your Chance to Act . . .

    Ask For The 'Market King' SPECIAL Offer.

    NOTE; All payments received are considered to be Gifts to aid my research work and, upon receipt, I will send you the courses of interest as my Gift to you in appreciation for your much appreciated Donation.

    * This is not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.

    In A Bull Market, Every Buyer Is A ‘Genius’. But . . .

    How Do You Know When To SELL?

    The Truth Is That Almost Nobody Knows When To Quit

    By G. R. Harrison

    Click on chart to enlarge for clarity

    But, This is an Investment Skill You Can Learn Today!
            All Major Bull Markets End In The Same Way
    I'm concerned. Why? Well, I'm old enough to have seen these kind of Bull Markets several time during my life span and, the mass of new investors are too young and inexperienced to realize that Market History Repeats.
    It's been proven historically, that every generation that gets into a Bull Market comes to the conclusion that 'investing is easy' or that they're a 'genius' when it comes to investing.
    It would be a mistake to assume that a rising market that produces profits every day is somehow related to one's intelligence, when, the reality is that they've hopped onto an express train that's roaring in the direction of a missing bridge across the Canyon.
    The Truth is that markets go down and markets go up. They oscillate.
    That being the case, what goes up WILL come down eventually, and, almost no traders alive today are equipped to detect when the end of a bull market has arrived.
    The general pattern for all bull markets is recognizable.
    Don't take my word for it; check out the chart below showing the average of several major commodity bull markets through history. Even going all the way back to 1814, it's the same pattern every time essentially.

    Click on chart to enlarge

    The steepest part of  the price rise comes at the end when everyone is excited and talking about getting into the Market.
    Prices rise fast, then even faster, surprising and shocking most 'experts'.
    Each generation likes to think of itself as unique and uniquely 'conscious' and 'wise'. However, Human Psychology shows that the 'Crowd' acts in very much the same way throughout History.
    People are first Complacent, then become Excited, then, Panicy when the desired results disappear, and, finally, Exhausted and withdrawn at the end when the Mania subsides and everyone is licking their financial 'wounds'.
    But, never fear. With enough TIME and a New Generation of investors, this same Cycle of Human Psychology will start up again and repeat the same steps once more.
    So, how does a Bull Market end? With EXCITEMENT and, what today is called FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Everyone wants to be IN THE MARKET.
    Of course, this comes at the end of the bull market and is part of the process where the mass of the public loses their investment money to the wiser, early-comers into the Market.
    Bull Market mania and the New Commodity Bull Market effect, (see the above chart), is making itself known everywhere, that's for sure, but, will you be able to tell when the tide has shifted?
    Will you be able to get out early and to capture the lion's share of the profits? Or, will you be waiting for some 'expert' to officially declare that a 'crash' has happened, and then, only long after your profits have evaporated and everyone is heading for the Exits at once?
    We saw an example of this recently with the 'GameStop' stock saga.
    Many 'overstayed' in the stock after the rapid run-up in prices because they were relying on 'Hopium' (Hope), to tell them how high was 'UP'.

    Unfortunately, the Markets just don't work that way.

    Had these young temporary Reddit 'Millionaires' had access to our 'Market King' Technique, (formerly titled 'The Line Tamer'), their end story could have been much more favorable.*

    I strongly urge you to have an effective technique such as our 'Market King' Technique with which to detect shifts in the major price trends for markets like these.

    Whether it's the Gold, Forex, Bitcoin, Stock or Commodity Markets, you'll have the deciding 'edge' if you have this technique in your traders toolbox!
    Should you have further questions, read more under the Menu tab at the top of the page titled 'Our Unique Trading Courses' and select from the drop-down menu the course or courses you're interested in. When you're ready to get started drop me an e-mail at the line below . . .

    NOTE; All payments received are considered to be Gifts to aid my research work and, upon receipt, I will send you the courses of interest as my Gift to you in appreciation for your much appreciated Donation.

    * This is not an advisory website or service. All expressions & concepts presented are those of the Author & Owner of the website and are for educational purposes only and are presented with that intent for our Private Members only. All other visitors take note. Read our extensive disclaimers in this regard at the top of this webpage under the menu tab. Thank you.